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Brothers of Briar

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  1. loneredtree

    My Kirsten

    I did receive a number. Thank you. Are any of the 4 left over a large shank? The straight ones are stamped L the bent ones R T or W. :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: 
  2. loneredtree

    [strike]Leaving[/strike] Left town for a couple of days.

    The next couple of days should be nice up there. Enjoy!
  3. loneredtree

    My Kirsten

    I have Kirsten that was badly abused. I have rebuilt it and although I do not often smoke it I do like how it performs. The smoke is dry and the pipe cleans up nicely. It is a good travel pipe but the better half says that it is ugly. I have 2 oz of Bob's Chocolate Flake to through in the...
  4. loneredtree

    falcon pipes

    I agree with all of the statement. But I have read that if the stem/ shank of the Falcon is heated that it will come apart. :study: :affraid: 
  5. loneredtree

    Carey Magic Inch?

    I have one from the 60's I think. It is made of Grecian Brier. A nice cross grain, I did not care for the way it smoked. So, I put electrical tape over the vents. The air diluted the flavor. It is now fitted with a normal stem and is a good smoker. If you find an old one I say get it and...
  6. loneredtree

    Emotional Test Dummies

    That is quite a mental picture Kyle. I was not sure if a pipe would go good with all of this smoke. I think D & B just answered . The smoke is here off and on. Not good today. Pictures or  it did not happen!:lol!: :lol!: :lol!: :lol!:
  7. loneredtree

    Telefords to open shop in San Francisco

    I just got word that should please pipe smokers in the Bay area.The shop in Mill Valley, North of the Golden Gate, has set mid September for opening a second shop located at 550 Montgomery Street at the corner of Clay Street. I have been wanting to visit them for some time and having them in...
  8. loneredtree

    Somebody Please Clue Me In

    I had one of the leather covered ones. I was a noob what did I know? It was heavy and fat and did not smoke well. Maybe it had to much insulation. I chucked it like so many of my early pipes. :joker: 
  9. loneredtree

    West Coast Pipe Show

    Last year there was a discussion about a group from Reno and Sacramento driving to LV. I am not sure if I can go due to a scheduled surgery in my family. Anyone have this trip on their radar? :) 8) OOPs move to general discussion<img class="emojione" alt="?" title=":confused:"...
  10. loneredtree

    Where am I going wrong?

    Shank brush Looks like a small bottle brush.
  11. loneredtree

    Where am I going wrong?

    Have you been using the 4 pipes for 7 years without a good cleaning?:sunny: :geek: :lol!:  The shanks may be in need of a cleaning with a shank brush, q tips, and alcohol.
  12. loneredtree

    House of Calabash S. Books Seven of Nine

    Hi AJ. Did you get ahold of House of Calabash? After reading the comments about Dunhill Flake, I had better pop my tin and see how it compares. So many blends so little time. :affraid: :affraid: :affraid: :flower: 
  13. loneredtree


    Bummer. That smoke was here in N Cal through Wednesday. The wind shifted and cleared it out. I guess you can try it again. I hope so. I does not look like we can make it up there this year anyway. But we were hoping for mid August. Oh well. :no: 
  14. loneredtree

    House of Calabash S. Books Seven of Nine

    Thanks AJ. I wish I had Kyle's talent for tasting and writing. Their web site has been hacked and is useless. But you can call them at 503 387 5589. Happy puffing.
  15. loneredtree

    House of Calabash S. Books Seven of Nine

    Seven of Nine was purchased at the House of Calabash on a trip through Oregon last summer. I had too many tins open so it was  jarred for the year. It is the 4th Va that I have tried and the most enjoyable. The pipe used has been dedicated to virginias . It is a Rhodesian with a conical...
  16. loneredtree


    Things have changed since last year. Yes, the damage from that storm is impressive. The trees form the JMT to the Agnew Meadow parking lot were stacked 15- 20 feet high. Have a good trip.
  17. loneredtree


    Are starting from Agnew Meadow? If you camp the first night at the campground they let you drive in and then park at the trail head the next day BTW.
  18. loneredtree


    I was in the Banner Ritter area last year. We went in the High trail and out the John Muir trail. I hope you Enjoy it. :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: 
  19. loneredtree

    2013 BoB Pipe of the Year (All Done)

    The 29 blast is a good one for me. I hope Brian will be able to snag over 20. Put me in for one.
  20. loneredtree

    Birthday Pipe - James Upshall B Silver Spigot

    That is a very nice pipe. The first spigot That I find attractive. I have sever pipe envy. Where did you get it?:bounce: :bounce: 