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Brothers of Briar

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  1. Rob_In_MO

    What are you smoking?

    Dan Tobacco's Milonga in a King Erik Acorn.
  2. Rob_In_MO


    Sorry, Brewdude, didn't mean to derail your thread. :cry:
  3. Rob_In_MO

    Some thoughts on Dunhill tobaccos

    Hey Michael - speaking of VA's (and you know I like Aro's and VA blends as well), do you still smoke an occasional bowl of Dan Tobacco's Milonga? I remember you saying that it was THE blend that renewed your faith in Aromatics. :lol:
  4. Rob_In_MO

    Some thoughts on Dunhill tobaccos

    Hate to say this, but I think that EMP is my current favorite of the Dunhill Blends. Although 965 is a nice change of pace too, on occasion. (Yes, i've been getting more and more distant from the regular dose of Aro's that I used to smoke almost exclusively. They'll never be gone from...
  5. Rob_In_MO


    That's funny, I lived in Cape Girardeau at that time and was a Senior in High School that particular year.  That idiot, Dr. Ivan Browning, completely ruined what was left of his reputation on that one.  :lol: For some unknown reason, the head of Geology at SEMO University mostly agreed with...
  6. Rob_In_MO

    Christmas Cheer arrival in September

    That is a fine choice, and the best VA I think i've ever tried.
  7. Rob_In_MO

    What are you listening to?

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" loading="lazy" allowfullscreen ></iframe>
  8. Rob_In_MO

    What are you listening to?

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" loading="lazy" allowfullscreen ></iframe>
  9. Rob_In_MO

    What are you listening to?

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" loading="lazy" allowfullscreen ></iframe>
  10. Rob_In_MO


    Talk about overdue - i'm only an 1.5 hours (on the highway) from New Madrid - yes, the one you're thinking of. :shock: Makes us sleep better at night.   :lol!: In all seriousness, BrewDude - glad it was only a 4 and no serious damage.
  11. Rob_In_MO

    Spinal Implant.

    With PB's luck, the doctor in charge will reprogram the box to send 'pleasure' signals to his brain - causing him to walk around with a continuous Stiffie - no pills needed!  :cheers:
  12. Rob_In_MO

    Bombed by DrumsAndBeer.

    Ok - just finished a bowl of Grousemoor. This is a puzzling yet interesting blend.  Maybe iwas expecting more of an Aromatic by the description.  But let me say that I was not disappointed in the bowl. It's not really an aromatic (or what I consider to be an aromatic), and not really a normal...
  13. Rob_In_MO

    Spinal Implant.

    Dang, PB!  That is some scary stuff. (yet interesting and something to look forward to as well) Considering the shape your're in now, it sounds like it's worth the risk.   Obviously you've made your choice to go forward with the implant, and we're all hoping for the best possible outcome - as...
  14. Rob_In_MO

    What are you listening to?

    Sometimes you just want to start the day with an instrumental. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" loading="lazy" allowfullscreen ></iframe>
  15. Rob_In_MO

    Bombed by DrumsAndBeer.

    Juan - what's why i'm saving (what I believe will be) the best for last. :cheers:
  16. Rob_In_MO

    Bombed by DrumsAndBeer.

    DrumsAndBeer - thanks again for the tins and sample! They are greatly appreciated, and if the Grousemoor tastes half as good as it smells, it could well become a regular in my rotation. Tomorrow will be the test for sure. I have a new-ish MM Diplomat broke in with a neutral tobacco (Carter...
  17. Rob_In_MO

    Bombed by DrumsAndBeer.

    Ally!  What's been going on, Brother?  Long time no chat.  I promise not to stay gone so long again.  Actually I plan on hanging around pretty regularly - unless they run me off.  :lol: PB is just jealous, pay no mind to his ramblings.   :P Had a long day at work, then 2 yards to mow this...
  18. Rob_In_MO

    List your top 5 Metal Albums of all times!

    For me, the defining era in Metal was the early 80's. That's when it really seemed to take form. One of my favorite groups from the early 80's Metal era is W.A.S.P., but there are many others that followed suit as well in that era.
  19. Rob_In_MO

    Bombed by DrumsAndBeer.

    Bombed by a fellow Brother.  This wonderful package came in the mail today. Thank You Very Much, Chris.  You truly are a Brother!  8) I can't wait to try the Grousemoor!  Devil's Holiday is a fine aro as well, and always welcome here. The other treat i'm really looking forward to trying is...
  20. Rob_In_MO

    List your top 5 Metal Albums of all times!

    JustPlainBill - if you like 'Spectres', then please check out 'On Your Feet Or On Your Knees'. It's pre- 'Dont Fear The Reaper' when they were harder and more consistent. The raw energy and band's flawless performance makes it on of rock's best early-live albums. If you want a copy of it, PM...