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Brothers of Briar

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  1. williamcharles

    It's a sad day today

    Michael you have my condolences. Nothing else I can say that you don't already know.
  2. williamcharles

    OK, Yak

    Mike, does Keiko approve?
  3. williamcharles

    Another Hoosier

    Welcome from Grant county.
  4. williamcharles

    Blue Grass Melody substitute?

    Good luck to you, Sir.
  5. williamcharles

    My new favorite pipe

    Good sister and nice pipe. Congrats and enjoy.
  6. williamcharles

    Corona Old Boy Question.

    I use Zippo. The grey ones...never tried the red ones. Never had a problem but the Coronas are supposed to be softer and give more sparks and be easier on the striker wheel. Zippo's shower the sparks and the wheel doesn't show any undue wear, yet.
  7. williamcharles

    What are you smoking?

    FVF in a Peterson Kilarney
  8. williamcharles

    Dealer(s) taking advantage of the free market on RAT

    I gotta second this. Not the money part. Hell fire and damnation...if I had $500.00 I'd tuck it under my pillow and sit up all night guarding it. $5000.00? For that kinda green I'd go under water and fry fish. Always had good experiences with 4noggins.
  9. williamcharles

    Dealer(s) taking advantage of the free market on RAT

    Good points and all true...every last one of them.
  10. williamcharles

    When did House of Windsor stop producing their blends?

    HOW blends were great. I've tried some Revelation clones and some are good but none as good as the real deal. I'm down to less than 1/2 an ounce of the real Revelation. Bummer.
  11. williamcharles

    Next against the shooting block - My review of SG 1792 Flake

    I really like 1792 Flake. Like Mike says it seems hit or miss regarding strength. Seems to be the case with most of the SG and GH blends. Two Christmas's ago my wife bought me a "six-pack" of 1792. I now have eight tins aging and a jar containing some that I bought from Mike when he had his...
  12. williamcharles

    Dunhill Brings Back Elizabethan Mixture

    I'm gonna have to cop a tin or three of it when it makes its way here. I finished my last tin of EM last year.
  13. williamcharles

    I'm So Stuuuuuuuuuuupid

    Glad it worked. :)
  14. williamcharles

    greetings from N.Ireland

    Welcome. Always good to meet someone from the Emerald Isle.
  15. williamcharles

    Pipe tool recomendation

    Ditto. Great little tool.
  16. williamcharles

    I'm So Stuuuuuuuuuuupid

    Have you tried just holding the key down? Mine cycles thru the letters assigned to that key and finally the numerial.
  17. williamcharles

    Removing the shank cleaning

    On another forum, a fellow that had thought he was getting his pipes clean found that when he switched pipe cleaners he got a lot of gunk out of his pipes. He was taking the pipes apart for a good complete cleaning when he was done with them for the day. He had done that for years. Many years...
  18. williamcharles

    Question about storing your pipes for a LONG time...

    You might as well join the line. Seems like I'm catching hell for everything else from other quarters. :D :twisted: :D
  19. williamcharles

    Question about storing your pipes for a LONG time...

    I don't believe that a lack of oxygen will ruin the briar but the stems will most likely change over time. All I have to base the changes in the stems on is that I put some pipes into a dark place for storage and a few years later retrieved them. As soon as I'd try to smoke one of those the bit...