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Brothers of Briar

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  1. MartinH

    Wood Carving

    Okay, here's my attempt. I was constrained by the overall small dimensions of the wood, and the fact that I suck. LOL! I could not figure out a way to make a large mouth and still keep the face proportional, and the beard looking decent. Before I finished this, I carved this face three times...
  2. MartinH

    Wood Carving

    Lol! It's all appreciated. If I get to work on it this weekend, I'll put up some pics.
  3. MartinH

    Wood Carving

    Also, I didn't want to give the wood spirit a ginormous mouth. I thought it might look odd. ;)
  4. MartinH

    Wood Carving

    Ha! Smart A#*! LOL Actually, I thought it would be nice to display the profile of the pipe rather than a frontal view.
  5. MartinH

    Wood Carving

    What do you guys think about this? I'm not quite sure how'll I do it yet, but the stem of the pipe would rest on a tiny, glued dowel rod. [/url][/img]
  6. MartinH

    Wood Carving

    Oooh, that's cool! My next project might be a wood spirit carved as a pipe stand. :) I may work on that this weekend. Thanks for the awesome idea! Martin
  7. MartinH

    Wood Carving

    Hmmm. I'm not sure. But it'll be worth a shot. I may carve the other side of the wood and see what I can figure out. But I do like the idea of combining my love of the pipe and this new hobby. Kyle, you're a fraggin' genius!
  8. MartinH

    Wood Carving

    Ha! Kyle. It's just the picture. In reality it's only about 5 or so inches tall, probably closer to 4. It's roughly 3 inches in diameter. I didn't even think about making a pipe holder out of this. Hmmmm. I wonder how I'd do that? I'll have to ponder this imponderable. :) Martin
  9. MartinH

    Wood Carving

    Kyle! Now THAT's a cool idea! LOL. I may just do that.
  10. MartinH

    First Post

    Dude! That's a gorgeous pipe. I'm jealous.
  11. MartinH

    OH the IRONY!

    That's just choice. LOL
  12. MartinH

    Anyone been to Indonesia, Malaysia, or Singapore?

    Have you watched any of the "weird food" shows to see what kind of crazy things they eat there. :) Out of curiosity, do you have to get a series of shots?
  13. MartinH

    Wood Carving

    Hey Brothers, I've been away from the boards lately partially because of lack of time, even at work, and partially because of a new hobby - hence the lack of time. :) Does anyone on this board carve wood? If you do, I'd love to talk with the brother. I've only carved four things, and one of...
  14. MartinH

    Favorite Beverage with your leaf

    I have to say, that I get the Johnny Walker thing. You drink it straight on the rocks or with something? Figure not drinking it straight is probably a sacrilege, eh?
  15. MartinH

    Favorite Beverage with your leaf

    Since I've had to give up coffee, and drink mostly decaf teas, this tea is of interest. I do drink a tea with caffeine in the mornings, but that's it. Right now I'm drinking PG tips, but the tea you mentioned sounds quite interesting. :)
  16. MartinH

    To Good To Be True?

    As someone who has to always look for budget pipes, I'd recommend you either purchase a few basket pipes, or start wit the lower end pipes which are around $60. I'm not sure where you live, but it you have a TinderBox, their Carolina Briar products are quite nice. I also purchased a beautiful...
  17. MartinH

    Supporting Pipe Artisans

    Hello Gents, I firstly agree wholeheartedly with the need to support artisans who put forth one of the kind pieces of art, smoke-able art, yet art nonetheless. It's the art of the pipe that first drew me to it in a way that my initial experience with the leaf did not. My first smoke was so...
  18. MartinH

    Making my First Pipe

    Uber- That pipes amazing, simply incredible. I love the unique design and the entire shape in general. I'd really like to make a stem from scratch, and I'm really interested in how you shaped that particular stem. I purchased a really gorgeous piece of blue acrylic, but I'm not sure I know...
  19. MartinH

    Newest Project - "Bridge Pipe"

    Hey Guys, Thanks for the responses. I do have two cat tongues, but they are too wide for the hole below the bridge. I may take the advice given and keep the opening mostly round. The dremmel tool works pretty well at slowly sanding away and making the opening to what I think will work. I'll...
  20. MartinH

    I need a little help on how forum page displays

    Exactly! LOL :cheers: :lol!: