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Brothers of Briar

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  1. kxg

    Dental Bill for $2200+

    Basic incompetence will eventually drive me nuts. I've been dealing with a situation the last couple of months concerning my 91 year old mother whose deepening dementia is necessitating a move from an assisted living facility to a skilled nursing or memory facility. It has been very...
  2. kxg

    Was Asked By A Woman Friend

    If I'm not getting up a couple of times a night to visit the bathroom, then the dogs are waking me up as they bolt for the dog door and whatever is infringing upon their yard, then I head to the bathroom since I'm awake. For years, an enlarged prostate was the culprit; I had that removed last...
  3. kxg

    Why Old Folks Don't Have Young Kids

    Kudos to you @RSteve! Keeping up with young grandkids can be exhausting and is a huge responsibility.
  4. kxg

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Post game smokes: SG Navy Flake in an Abe Herbaugh w/bamboo shank, then Wilke Surbrug's Crystal Palace in a GBD Prehistoric w/Perspex stem.
  5. kxg

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    @Tennessee Dave the old adage “smoke what you like and like what you smoke” applies to pipes as well as tobacco I believe. When I started back into pipe smoking a couple of years ago, I added some less expensive factory pipes and cobs to my meager 40 year old accumulation. Then a number of...
  6. kxg

    R.I.P. Larry King

    He did a decent interview if hardball wasn’t of interest; made a career of being a good listener.
  7. kxg

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    This afternoon: WC Aromatic #7 in a Nording Freehand Signature. Then, Peretti Cuban Mixture in a RD Pipes Bamboo Brandy. The Nording was a Christmas gift from my son two years ago or maybe three?
  8. kxg

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    This evening, WC 558 in a Radice Rind Billiard, then WC Old Black Magic in a Radice Classic Bulldog. Laphroiag 10 on the side.
  9. kxg

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    So, @Ranger107, about that LNF. After smoking a bowl this afternoon, I would call it quite similar to the LBF, but without the sweet surprise of the cavendish center. I fold the LBF coins, so about half way through the bowl I hit the sweetness. It is present but not overpowering. That’s why I...
  10. kxg

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    This afternoon, PS LNF in a GBD Pedigree, then Peretti 333 in a Mahogany Calabash that my son gave me for Christmas.
  11. kxg

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Well, I have ~14oz of the LNF in the cellar from a pound purchase and I have ~4.8 pounds of LBF in the cellar, if that tells you anything. Truthfully, I need to give the LNF some more smokes before commenting. I’ll do that and let you know.
  12. kxg

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    This afternoon smoking: PS LBF in a 1/2 bent Radice Twin Bore Rusticated Apple, Then Wilke Sailor Jack in a Radice Rind.
  13. kxg

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    The afternoon pipes: Hal O' The Wynd in a Castello 55 Old Antiquari KK; then EGR in the Matches 860 Tribute Savinelli.
  14. kxg

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    I smoked another bowl of the 79 & Field & Stream today. The Match 79 is not a repeat purchase. Didn’t hate it but didn’t love it either. Life is too short to smoke mediocre tobacco. Note that judgements about tobacco are only my own and shouldn’t be considered otherwise. The jury is still out on...
  15. kxg

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Today was a good day. I finished bagging up the tobacco from my last few orders, about 2 1/2 pounds worth, all in pint mylar bags, zipped and heat sealed. And, I received my Covid vaccine this afternoon, without my arm falling off or other dread symptoms; the Moderna version. In our neck of the...
  16. kxg

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Smoking Wilke Surbrug’s Crystal Palace in the 2018 Larrysson LE. Then on to Dan’s Bill Bailey’s Balkan Blend in a Rattray’s bent Bulldog.
  17. kxg

    What are you smokin'?

    Smoking Revelation Match in a Ron Powell Bamboo Brandy. Then Wilke 515 in a bent smooth Guildhall.
  18. kxg

    A tragic loss

    So sorry to hear that news. Life is so uncertain and random.
  19. kxg

    What are your Pipe and Tobacco plans for 2021

    As of yesterday I am officially retired. That means less totally disposable income, which means I need to start smoking down the accumulation. That should take at least ten years without any tobacco purchases. I don’t need any more pipes, but that was true 20 pipes ago, or maybe 40. So, no...
  20. kxg

    Good Tidings and Good Health To All

    To a better year, and it won’t take much!