That is a really cool story. Thank you for sharing.
What was the answer to your question, by the way.
Why are so many pipes drilled improperly?
Stan is a fantastic craftsman and a pleasure to work with.
He is currently working on enhancing a pipe for a Brother now.
We will post pictures when it is done.
Thanks guys. I appreciate the support.
They gave me a decent severance package, but it still hurts.
I have no desire to uproot my family and relocate. I hope it doesn't come to that.
If only...
If I could afford health insurance I might consider it.
But I have two kids in college and one in grade school. It's back to corporate America for me.
Hopefully my workshop time will just be an extended vacation.
I got downsized today. I am too old and got paid too much. Now some young engineer has two jobs to do and I will have more time to make pipes.
Corporate America sucks. :(
On the up side my turn around time on pipe orders just went down.
I tried the Wallace Flake tonight side by side with some University Flake from 2010. The WF is much more burly forward. I didn't detect much Virginia at all. The WF is a bit more harsh at the beginning but gets better about 1/3 of the way down. The plum flavor is nearly undetectable. The UF...