New pictures of my latest collaboration with Jessie Jones!

Brothers of Briar

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Active member
Nov 17, 2016
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Hey there my brothers-  These are the professional photographs (taken by Scott Townsend) of my latest collaboration with the amazing Jessie Jones.  He made this gorgeous large Canadian and wanted me to make a wide stem band with just a touch of flair, wanting to keep it fairly conservative, which fits the style of the pipe.  After several conversations Jessie chose this design, and boy oh boy did he pick the perfect look!  I'm very pleased and proud to have contributed to his artistry.  I hope you all love it as much as I do.  For any fan of larger pipes, who appreciate high end quality in design, fit and finish, with perfect engineering and fabulous grain, finished with a one of a kind custom made Sterling silver stem band, setting it clearly apart from all others, this pipe IS AVAILABLE!!  It's not a commissioned pipe, and will be posted on Blue Room Briars tomorrow in their Friday update.  Just food for thought for anyone who appreciates perfection!

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Thanks for your interest in my craft!
Stan, another outrageous piece of Art. Glad we came to an agreement in which we will both be extremely HAPPY!! Again, thanks for sharing :cheers: :cheers:

Lonecoyote":7mjkwda9 said:
Stan, another outrageous piece of Art. Glad we came to an agreement in which we will both be extremely HAPPY!! Again, thanks for sharing :cheers: :cheers:

Huh? What did you do here Ted? Spill..........


That is just beautiful work by both of you! Jesse has a knack for the classic shapes and the silver adds that certain je ne sais quoi ......Bravo los dos!
That is certainly a stunner! Excellent craftsmanship all round
Thank you all for your kind and generous words of encouragement! Your compliments are more valuable than any amount of money that was paid for this work. I have always considered myself an artisan first, a businessman second. It is Art, not Greed that fuels my love of what I do at my humble bench. The customers opinion and praise is how I'm paid the most.

Your Brother, Stan Nigro
Wow, I don't know which detail is the best - the briar, button or that band!
That pipe is breathtaking! Silver work superb. God, I love it.
I'm obviously late to the party here. (been a workin & travelin).

That pipe is absolutely breathtaking. From the incredible birds eye to the silver work to the stem. It is superb on all fronts.

Well done gents. Well done!
Now THAT one is truly the defenition of a Canadian! The grain shank/bit/bowl proportions are just perfect !! And the silver work is beyond words !! :) :)

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