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Brothers of Briar

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  1. jefe1037


    start a thread on baker street; that category seems a little inactive recently.
  2. jefe1037

    National Chocolate Pudding Day

    I think Borkham Riff has a Chocloate Pudding flavor... Kyle, up for giving it a try?
  3. jefe1037

    First broken pipe!

    duct tape hasn't been considered yet?
  4. jefe1037

    Question for Va Flake guys

    take it easy pesci
  5. jefe1037

    VA + Cube cut = Good Smoke

    I have been enjoying the cube cut as part of my rotation as well.  It has a touch of Cavendish that lends to a creamy texture without adding any sweetness.  This probably helps lend itself to your blend.  I have a feeling that you would be happy if you made a jar of half of each of these blends...
  6. jefe1037

    What do you think of this pipe?

    It looks like a tinsky kit... time to get carving!
  7. jefe1037

    Aromatic Pipe Tobacco Blend recommendations

    I like IRCs Three Star Blue. Mild but flavorful, the secret special ingredient is just right. And to quote an old thread that quoted an old member who has passed: "[The room note] makes the panties drop"
  8. jefe1037

    Just found a brick of Night Train

    I always liked the one liner about texans cultivating their hair like beds of lettuce... True Grit if I am not mistaken.
  9. jefe1037

    first snuffs

    As I have slid down the slippery slope of pipe tobacco, I am not going to allow myself the same with snuff (too self indulgent for me). I enjoy snuff but it is far too easy to enjoy. I have my 4 tins, and am not going to let them go to waste. We will see where impulse takes me.
  10. jefe1037

    S&R pipes

    "I am dying of thirst" "Here's an evian!" "No thanks, I don't drink bottled water"
  11. jefe1037

    first snuffs

    Picked up some WoS cherry menthol, irish toast #22, sm500, andkendal brown last week. I love the toast. cherry menthol is like cough drops , but really isn't offensive. I dig the new addition to my rotation.
  12. jefe1037

    the Shadow?

    So, one if you SOBs thinks you are Lamar Cranston. I get a call from wifey that she is ticked that she drove across town to the Post Office just to pick up my *sneer* pipe stuff. I don't remember ordering a tin of the Stokkebye 1957 and CD Old Hollywood. The cleaners were a nice touch: I just...
  13. jefe1037

    Oiling a pipe???

    Nose oil is the best product around.
  14. jefe1037

    Okay, Which One of You Keeps Buying All The Carter Hall?

    iwan ries has one on the shelf...saw it today
  15. jefe1037

    I'm looking for a Mario Grandi Pipe, your thoughts?

    out if principle, i must mention the macarthur by missouri meerschaum.
  16. jefe1037

    New Packing Method

    im with slide on this one... a little more tobacco in the hand and skip the gravity feed... someone posted a video a while back of a gentleman demonstrating this method. i believe we all had a chuckle about the tobacco burning in the corkscrew pattern as it was loaded. alson skipping the...
  17. jefe1037

    Would you get a pipe shape just because

    i have an oom paul itch just begging to be scratched...
  18. jefe1037

    The Eggman and Mauna Loa (my latest)

    i really dig the eggman. volcanoes are not my style, and in fact very few non classic shapes strike my fancy, but your egg "does it" for me.
  19. jefe1037

    can you smoke through tongue bite or burn?

    Biotene mouthwash (found at the local drug store) and stopping would be the fastest way to heal up. Listen to what your body is telling you: pain means something is wrong. Give yourself 24 hours, pack some fvf, see how you feel after a puff... if it still hurts, leave it in the pipe and come...