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Brothers of Briar

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  1. thomas james

    What do you do for a living

    Capo di tutti capi. I design marine anchors.
  2. thomas james

    What are you listening to

  3. thomas james

    What are you listening to

    Stan Getz Quartet "Sweet Rain" original vinyl Stan Getz, sax Ron Carter, bass Grady Tate, drums Chick Corea, piano. helluva "quartet" Next? Mingus!
  4. thomas james

    What are you listening to

    Peer Gynt
  5. thomas james

    Forget tobacco, try this

    Only El El can attract wimin with greasy food and meteorlogical data. 8)
  6. thomas james

    Who Is Online?

    Why bother? Most guys here would eagerly send GPS coordinates.
  7. thomas james

    Credit card # theft

    LL, AND Puff Daddy, Spent a weekend here, stinking up the house with their damned pipes. Puff Daddy showed up with flowers for my wife,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,AND, a bottle of brandy. Watch out for him. PB sent home made cookies that never got here. Watch out for him, too! There were...
  8. thomas james

    Credit card # theft

    The sucker had the balls to adjust the controls on my sub woofer! THAT should tell you all you need to know! Don't mess with a man's sub woofer! Especially in California!
  9. thomas james

    Credit card # theft

    CP once told me, a man should NEVER put his wife's name on ANY account. "Give her a cash allowance every month,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,say, $100." Ohio State University,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Liberal Arts,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, "Behavioral Sciences"
  10. thomas james

    Credit card # theft

    Irene,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, You're dealin with the devil here!
  11. thomas james


    Dip a meerschaum in Easter egg dye. :cheers:
  12. thomas james

    Are you a morning or an evening smoker?

    I can smoke whenever Momma says, it's her call. Know what I mean, Vern? :bounce:
  13. thomas james

    need your prayers

    Heart felt sympathies.
  14. thomas james

    Home Stoving Virginas

    Fill mason jars with "green" stuff. Let them sit out in the sun a few days/weeks. Fully retains all of the moisture juices etc. My brother cures his peppers by hanging them in a closet that has his water heater in it. The mason jar thing works even indoors if it is placed on a southern facing...
  15. thomas james

    Recommenations on Wrist Watches

    Casios have built in stop watch ability. You can time carnal pleasure with them. In your case, you can use the alarm feature to wake you up.
  16. thomas james

    Recommenations on Wrist Watches

    Sun dials have few moving parts but don't work in Canada certain times of the year. Get a Casio digital. Mrs. Puffs scan set it for you. It'll virtually run forever on a car battery. Al Gore is against them because they contribute to Global Warmin and don't decompose in land fills.
  17. thomas james

    What did they smoke?

    In 1952, the original Disney Land opened in Annehiem, Ca. On "Main" st., they had a smoke shop that had Walts Private Blend AND Bing's smoke as well. NOW, you can't even find an ashcan there. In 1968 I took my "bride" there and everytime you stomped out a cigarrette, a Mousekateer would...
  18. thomas james

    Some Hope for the Next Generation

    Back in my college days, the 70's, tobacco companies came to campus and passed out packs of their brands. Really,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, In California,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Really,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
  19. thomas james

    What are you listening to

    Watch out JP, JT's back! I have been listening to Trader galloping off in the sunset. Clip clop,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Clip clop,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Adios, buckaroo!
  20. thomas james

    A new take on an old game.

    I hear California has a Porposition to ban smoking in Class A vehicles. Prop 79 :P