Are you a morning or an evening smoker?

Brothers of Briar

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Puff Daddy

Well-known member
Dec 9, 2007
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I find that I love a pipe in the early hours with black coffee. I get immense pleasure from slowly puffing on a pipe in the morning, greatly aids in my focus and concentration and enjoyment of the quiet hours. In the evening I'm just too tired to enjoy it and usually give up by mid bowl. I can pick up all kinds of subtle nuances in a blend in the morning but much of that is just lost on me as the day wears on. I thought the nicotine should give me a bit of a boost late in the day but it seems to do nothing for me then.
Evening is the best for me. After dinner I sit down in my recliner read/watch tv/surf the internet and smoke my pipe. I usually brew up some tea to go along with it. In fact I think that's the plan for tonight although I am a little worn out.
thomas james":ijitsa5v said:
I can smoke whenever Momma says, it's her call.

Know what I mean, Vern?

Do I ever! For me it kinda depends on the work schedule. Evenings are usually best. I hardly ever get to start before 11AM.
Great topic PD!

Though I enjoy a bowl most anytime of the day, I agree with PD that the very best is the early morning pipe (no pun intended). I thoroughly enjoy my early moring smoke with a cup of coffee more than any other time.
Any time the mood strikes, of course, but especially after meals. Something about a post-meal pipe is very satisfying to me.
I can relate to Puff Daddy's preference of morning bowls, as those are often my best as well. SWMBO just rolled over to 10 hour days and with the hour commute, she sets the alarm for 4:00 AM and is out of the house before 5:30 AM. I'm up as soon as the showers free, so basically washed, dried, dressed, and ready to go by 6:00 or so, but my first class isn't until 8:00 on T & Th, and later than that the rest of the week. That gives me a good hour plus to myself as the sun is coming up, so a bowl, a big mug of coffee, and a walk in the woods is almost a ritual. Love to watch the world come alive and scare the hell out of a herd of deer.

But most days I still have a second bowl in the evening with a home-brew or tea. I enjoy it to unwind and think lofty thoughts (I'm an intellectual, you know, so I must leave no thought unthunk :geek: ).

Pipes smoke best in the dark.

I smoke at any given time day or night but they always taste better when the sun isn't up.

You yahoos are in bed, no chance of anyone calling. Just me, the highway, and some tunes playing low... That me amigos is the definition of a good smoke.
During work days I'm mainly an afternoon (if nothing going on at work I'll smoke a bowl during a break) or evening time, either on the way home from work (I don't get out of work until 6:30 pm) or after dinner. On my days off I usually will catch a bowl in the morning and smoke throughout the day.
A bowl in the morning,and three or four in the evening.
Rarely until after dinner,nasal snuff in the morning and throughout the day.
I sniff a few grams of snuff daily and 2-3 pipes at night. :)

Winslow :sunny:
Usually I start in the afternoon, sometimes in the morning but I'm not usually up in the morning cause I make pipes at night. Thats when I do most of my smoking in the wee hrs. which is night for some and early morning for others!LOL

Monday thru Friday, smoke in my car for the commute home.
Saturday and Sunday, whenever the mood hits and I have time.
"but never at dusk"(for Steve Martin fans)
:pipe: on Brothers.
With the old job it was evenings only during the week and on weekends a morning and evening pipe with an occasional afternoon pipe. With the new job my schedule is so erratic I normally smoke when I can. If left to my own devices I love an early morning pipe. After dinner is also a favorite time. I just love to smoke a pipe anytime really. So many pipes and tobaccos and so little time.
I smoke all day
In the mornings usually a pipe and black coffee as I watch the sun come up

At night in the quiet just before bed with a cool drink and listen to the night sounds it makes for a good nights sleep
Great thread... I smoke in the morning, sometimes in the car on the way up to Crested Butte, and often in the evenings. By far, I have hit "pipe nirvana" most often in the mornings, with coffee and NPR. Something about that "early morning pipe," to be sure!
I am mostly an evening smoker in the warmer weather, but now that the cold is upon us I take what I can get. That means more afternoon smokes. I do enjoy a morning smoke with my coffee on a Saturday in the summer out in the screen room, however... there is just something about getting the day started that way that is marvelous.

Depends on the weather & temps! Warmer times of the year, I start in the morning (love that a.m. pipe and coffee!!) & smoke anytime I go outside. This time of year, I work my bowls around the temps; lately we have had absolutely gorgeous weather & temps for so late into November! Later on, and into early next year, the bowls will be fewer and farther apart! :pipe: FTRPLT

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