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Brothers of Briar

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  1. leacha

    I Cancelled Our Cable TV Service Today!

    My wife and I were always on the fence about it (cutting the cord) and then we had our son (two years old last week). After that we didn't have the time to watch anything. The apps built into our TVs were buggy so we purchased a couple Roku's, installed a roof antenna, signed up for Netflix...
  2. leacha

    Leacha, Thanks Very Much!

    Your welcome and I hope that bowl colors its a*s off for ya.
  3. leacha


    Next to my first loves of stouts and porters, Belgium has some of the best beers ever. I have a few books on Belgium beer and brewing techniques in my library. Kriek is my favorite lambic although the pures and Gueuze are great too. The Trappist style is my favorite from that country though...
  4. leacha

    "The Ketchup Smell" - McClelland Red Va Blends

    Excerpt from Red Cake is not Red Ribbon - A Message from the Horses Mouth
  5. leacha

    Paid in Bourbon

  6. leacha

    Travel Case

    Ready for my day trips this summer around Colorado.
  7. leacha

    Momofuku's 105th B'day

    While growing up it was and still is to me called Saimin. Anyways I am thankful for his invention. Still eat "Ramen" once or twice a week.
  8. leacha

    Walker Briar Works - Forever Stems

    Crap! I wish you wouldn't have said that. I do not need another cob do I?
  9. leacha

    Walker Briar Works - Forever Stems

    Agreed, that color combo is sweet! I plan on smoking nothing but cobs this year and I hop I can get the same color out of mine.
  10. leacha

    I need a new percolator

    FYI... I have the 4-cup Faberware purchased in '08. Its still chugging along.
  11. leacha

    Guess What

    Congrats! Your never too old, young, rich or poor. Myself? I'm too lazy.
  12. leacha

    Jazz/format - 2 topics

    If you like Kinda Blue than youll like Ascenseur pour l'échafaud.
  13. leacha

    USPS won't ship pipes apparently?

    Wood Carvings, label it as Wood Carvings.
  14. leacha

    First system pipe and some notes on a P-lip modification

    I just had a new stem made for my 309.
  15. leacha

    Missouri Meerschaum hardwood

    Nice video. I've been smoking the HW for a while and I feel they are quality pipes.
  16. leacha

    My own VaPer...

    Not an ungodly amount. Maybe its just one of the things.
  17. leacha

    My own VaPer...

    What were your percentages?
  18. leacha

    C&D Label Differences

    If itll be there. I had one order from P&C where half the C&D tins had no sticker.
  19. leacha

    C&D Label Differences

    FYI, posted on another forum.
  20. leacha

    C&D Label Differences

    My biggest problem with "mergers".