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Brothers of Briar

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  1. GCook


    Until I joined this list, I never knew about the pipe cleaner test. I tried it, and yes, both pipes do. (Turd without stinger.) The Kronos shows a straight bore from top of mortise to bottom of bowl, but there is some extra excavations going on in there if I peer down the mortise with a...
  2. GCook


    To prove my love for awkward pipes, this is turd's cabinet mate, a Don Carlos Kronos. I bought it to celebrate getting my present job back in 2005. Didn't care much for the smoking quality. Keep in mind, almost all my pipes are at least 40 years old. Fresh briar taste is foreign to me...
  3. GCook


    Haaaaa! A smoothy! That IS it! I really do like turd not just for being a good smoker, see my profile at the left about my penchant for canted and unusual shapes. It's the fecal rustication that earned it's nickname. My GF instantly liked it when I showed it to her last week and insisted I...
  4. GCook

    Walker Pipe Repair Ozone Treatment?

    Greg Pease did a writeup on roasting pipes overnight in a warm oven with activated charcoal. I've been meaning to try this myself on a Lakeland tainted GBD.
  5. GCook


    This is a pipe I like to insult yet is a great smoker.  Affectionately dubbed "Turd", it bears the name Invict(a) on the back.  (FWIW, I do smoke Best Brown in it.)  It has a wide chamber at the top, about 15/16" but is conical despite its fat bottom.  It has a stinger, but I'm not sure if it...
  6. GCook

    What are you smoking?

    Great minds puff alike! 3 Nuns in a small pigskin Ascorti, preparing a packet of it to send a friend. My mouth is prickly from the perique and my head woozy from vitamin N.
  7. GCook

    What are you smoking?

    Classic Samsun in a brand new clay. When a previously loved blend goes bad, suspect the pipe. It was the pipe. Love clays for price and simplicity, hate the way they feel in my pipehole, but lo, I love me some Turkish.
  8. GCook

    Troost Slices

    Thanks for an entertaining site with interesting tobaccos. Love the insight to european tastes and their earnest attempts of English language. I suspect semois may even be available here too. What I was getting at originally was whether anyone here has found an equivalent TS blend produced...
  9. GCook

    Capstan & Three Nuns

    Looks like New Three Nuns will go over about as well as New Coke! Not being a perique lover, I don't know anything about the economics of the stuff. Did it go extinct and un-produceable? Is the world supply of perique controlled by a cartel? I certainly hope it isn't stored in a flammable...
  10. GCook

    Troost Slices

    OK, since I broached the subject elsewhere, and it doesn't show up in my searches... I don't mean the plastic packets of ready rubbed. Not the same. I'm referring to the tinned version with a picture of an unfortunate gent in a pillory being assisted in puffing by a merciful chubby gent. I...
  11. GCook

    Maruman lighter question

    Thanks, it did. I found a can in a local large liquor store that to my surprise now also sells cigars, pipes and (gasp!) Dunhill, SG, CAO, G&H and similar tins of pipeweed at decent prices. Stocked up on FVF! The second adapter I tried worked, sort of. What went in, slowly leaked out. Back to...
  12. GCook

    Capstan & Three Nuns

    Well ranted, Greg, and spot on. As long as they seem to have VA and burley available, I wish they (including um, domestic blenders..) would at least try to duplicate the long-gone Troost slices.
  13. GCook

    What are you smoking?

    Orlik's Dark KY Flake in (of course) a cob on the back porch. Doesn't get better than this.
  14. GCook

    Maruman lighter question

    I just got a bunch-o-lighters cheap, and among them was a Maruman GL-67 pipe lighter. Nice old boy type, weighs a slug and a half and seems brand new. Being the tinkerer I am, I dis- and re-assembled it and it seems quite well made and servicable. That is, if I could only get butane in the...
  15. GCook


    Last Saturday was Armed Forces Day, for thanking those who are serving. Veterans Day is for thanking those who served and survived. Armistice Day, also on Veterans Day, is for reminding us that the goal is peace, no matter what anybody says. Today is for the non-survivors of war, and I doubt...
  16. GCook


    Found it: a jar put up in January 2005. It certainly changed since I last puffed it. Not the mouth party I remember. The Esoterica curse strikes again. Smoke it fresh, I say.
  17. GCook

    Vitamins or herbs?

    I use tobacco to counteract depression caused by having to eat a healthy diet.
  18. GCook

    thing that make you go HMMMM

    I bought a 50ml bottle of Bacardi's rum and collected some specimens to experiment with. My Science Project: The Rehydration and Infusion of Sundry Baccys with White Rum Now stewing: P&C's Marble Kake (1 bar), GLP's Montgomery (~ 2 bowls), P&W #196 (~ 3 bowls) and Exclusiv Royal, a German...
  19. GCook

    Expensive Bulk

    Just a thought- that is probably a typical price for an ounce. I wonder whether the B&M person understood the customer was going to buy 80 ounces and they would (hopefully) have a lower price for quantity. I've given up on most B&M's. Their focus on "store blend" Lane and Altadis bulk...
  20. GCook

    Cheap Pipes

    YES! Although I have newer pipes, my best smokers by far are at least 50 years old. I let previous generations break in pipes for me. I have one "high grade", a Don Carlos, that I bought new and it lies somewhere in storage, ignored, maturing. I like my pipes like my women: experienced...