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Brothers of Briar

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  1. Richard Burley

    What in the Heck happened to C&D's cut?

    This needs to be addressed by someone with authority. IF they're dicking around with their blends, why would anyone stock up on them, or even buy them? You don't know what you're getting. I am now afraid to open my cans of LH and Haddo's.
  2. Richard Burley

    We had a TSUNAMI!!!!

    That's Lake Ontario, Al. Shoreline erosion is a seasonal theme up there. And even on a mild, calm day, who knows what lies beneath the surface, biding its time? <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" loading="lazy" allowfullscreen...
  3. Richard Burley

    What in the Heck happened to C&D's cut?

    I'd would say no, and that you're correct. But I don't have any open at the moment for comparison. That cut doesn't look like anything from Pease that I've encountered. It kind of looks like "sweepings" or something.
  4. Richard Burley

    What are you smoking?

    Escudo in a Savinelli Giubileo d'Oro pot. I'm starting to like pots after 50 years of avoiding them.
  5. Richard Burley

    What in the Heck happened to C&D's cut?

    Screw that. They must atone. ;)
  6. Richard Burley

    What in the Heck happened to C&D's cut?

    C&D might know; ax them. I have some cellared, still in tins--hope it's "right" and not botched or whatever's going on.
  7. Richard Burley

    How was your weather today?

    :lol!: The images thou doth conjure up!
  8. Richard Burley

    We had a TSUNAMI!!!!

    Interesting stuff. I never "trusted" the Great Lakes, even though I learned to swim in one. They just seem creepier than the ocean. I think of the Edmund Fitzgerald. Make sense? Of course not, but there it is. <iframe width="560" height="315" src=""...
  9. Richard Burley

    What are you smoking?

    Peretti's Royal in a Ron Powell 'dog. This pipe loves latakia.
  10. Richard Burley

    4 Noggins house blends

    Except that there are some c*******ers trying to push things ahead.
  11. Richard Burley

    Dating My New Dunhill

    Was thinking the same. Didn't actually know, but suspected. Hope we're wrong, but look on the bright side: maybe it smokes better than a Dunhill. :|
  12. Richard Burley

    I smell home made bread baking!

    "Who will help me eat my bread?" said the Little Red Hen. It's a skill--learn it. Gain 60 pounds. You can do it. You're welcome. ~  Your pal, Rick
  13. Richard Burley

    Pipe rack rant

    Looks like a clone of a Decatur I have. Those old racks were from a different era and made for much smaller pipes. I prefer a silhouette style rack, both for appearance and the fact that you can get larger pipes in it without much trouble or crowding. But no conventional pipe rack that I know of...
  14. Richard Burley

    Surgeon General Recommends Pipe Smoking for Children

    Heh.  :joker:
  15. Richard Burley


    I hate these little reminders of mortality, though probably not as much as Monbla256 does right now. Get better soon, Michael.
  16. Richard Burley

    Rattray Exotic Orange?

    Wow. This stuff is well-named. It's orange and it's exotic. Stunning in its taste and incense-like scent. I use "incense" only because I can't think of a more descriptive word. Incense I associate with unwashed hippies; this stuff is more evocative of The Arabian Nights. The room note is exactly...
  17. Richard Burley

    What Are You Reading?

    A Coffin for Dimitrios (The Mask of Dimitrios, in Britain), only because it's everyone, apparently. Classic and first(?) of the great spy thrillers. Treachery, deceit, betrayal, intrique, murder, all those good things as seen through the eyes of a professor turned mystery...
  18. Richard Burley

    SOTD: Shave of the day

    You bet it does. Jays are obnoxious. Shoot its ass.
  19. Richard Burley

    Easter Blend?

    There are several Resurrection blends around; try Lane's Edgeworth clone, for example. I can't think of any that would fit the dyed eggs and bunny meme, however. ;)
  20. Richard Burley

    What movie are you watching?

    Just watched Darkest Hour, courtesy of YouTube and five bucks. Yes, Oldman  is very good; he becomes Churchill quite convincingly. Dunkirk is next, I'm thinkin'. I like the order, rather than the other way around.