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Brothers of Briar

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  1. pistolero

    It isn't every day that your jaw drops open...

    WOW, that's NUCKIN FUTZ MAN. And I'm only halfway through the vid. WOW :affraid:
  2. pistolero

    Newbie burn question.

    Yes and it helps somewhat, sometimes. Maybe not often enough or I'm just messing it up. I've been trying to figure out how to tamp it as I go down because like I said I don't like to have to stir it up and start all over. Occasionally it works perfect then sometimes I get that cone, I'll have...
  3. pistolero

    Newbie burn question.

    OK here's probably a dumb newbie question but, lots of times when I burn a bowl, it burns right down the center. The stuff up against the bowl is left and there's like a cone of ash to the bottom of the bowl as the unburned baccy gets thicker toward the bottom. This is helped alot by stirring...
  4. pistolero

    How About a Tobacco Bar?

    Those are neat. I picked up a couple small ones about a week ago at a thrift shop for 99 cents a piece. I'll get more when I find them. I like how you put the labels from the package in them, that's how I did it, of course all I have is PA and CH right now. :D
  5. pistolero

    My wife's heart cath...

    Sending smoke, take care brothers.
  6. pistolero

    Has anyone tried growing their own tobacco?

    I'm not assuming it will be easy. Keep in mind that you will need to age your crop also. So what I grow next summer won't really be good smoke until late 2012 or later. And I may not get much yield or do good 2011 and not 2012. So I figure I'll get the best head start I can. Like adauria...
  7. pistolero

    Has anyone tried growing their own tobacco?

    I haven't yet, but I plan to this coming year. Here is a place to learn:
  8. pistolero

    Im out of room!

    SHWEEEET! :face:
  9. pistolero

    Apply a file?

    BUT I've already cut it twice, and it's STILL TOO SHORT!
  10. pistolero

    A HUGE thank you to Muddler & Piet!!!

    That's a cool bowl there. 8)
  11. pistolero

    Hello from NC!

    Hello, welcome neighbor! I'm in the same boat, new piper/old cig smoker. LOTS of great info here.
  12. pistolero

    What are you smoking?

    Nothing. Well, a cigarette here and there just for a nic fix. I have a bad sinus infection right now and couldn't tell what I'm smoking anyway. Not a bowl since Thursday. Oh well the few pieces of briar I have are cleaned up and getting a good rest anyway and they'll taste that much better...
  13. pistolero

    What are you smoking?

    PA Choice Blend in a MM Legend, with Budweiser in a can. Don't hate on me just cause I have it good, I'm livin the life brothers! :twisted:
  14. pistolero

    Wanted: Pics of Your Smoking Dens/Man Caves

    Wow. Top of the last page in this thread is still from May 2009. :affraid: We need to get busy here. Of course I have no pics to offer up myself ... yet. As soon as I have some time I need to get to working on my backyard shack. Winter is coming and I don't smoke in the house. I sit on the...
  15. pistolero

    What are you smoking?

    Prince Albert in my new Dr. Grabow, does it get any better than this? :D
  16. pistolero


    Yes I just read about TAPS last night on these forums, I always join a new club a little late for the good stuff! I read the threads about the big deal yall had in April I missed out on of course. But I'll definitely make it to one of those monthly get togethers soon, thanks for the invite! As...
  17. pistolero


    Thanks all for the welcome! Well friends and neighbors, I actually just got back from Pipes by George. I had been there once before a year or two ago but of course I was only interested in cigars at the time. I've been to JR's a few times too but same thing, don't remember a lot of pipe stuff...
  18. pistolero


    Hello all, just found this place a day or two ago. Nice. I'm a longtime cigarette smoker, and have loved a good cigar occasionally for most of that time, and really got into the cigars big time again a couple years ago. Got into RYO recently due to the insane cost of cigarettes now and also...