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Brothers of Briar

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  1. pistolero

    Antique Yello Bole ebay score.

    Old "Stembiter" $33.24 shipped. Prop logo and stamped "KB&B" Gotta love ebay.
  2. pistolero

    I'm back.....

  3. pistolero

    I'm back.....

    "Witness my triumphant return!" Hello brothers. I was here around 2010-2011 for a little while. Had some down time and started smoking a pipe. Went back to travelling a lot for work and sort of put it aside. Never did kick the cigs. Back to sitting at the house a lot. Unemployed at the moment...
  4. pistolero

    Lets hear some Howlin Wolf

    THE BLUES.. it's not just for breakfast anymore....
  5. pistolero

    Most Important Person in Rock and Roll

    Robert Johnson, Muddy waters, Howlin' Wolf, Little Richard, Fats Domino, Chuck Berry. Pick one. I'd pick any of the above or from a long list of others over Elvis. Elvis was just a pretty face with a good voice, not a musician. Did he ever write anything? Did he play any instrument with any...
  6. pistolero

    Warning --- You probably have some of this...

    There should be a law! :shock: :shock: :shock: :face: :face: :face:
  7. pistolero


    Sorry to hear about your troubles, brother, welcome back.
  8. pistolero

    A must see video clip

    No reason not to be polite on your way to a job.
  9. pistolero

    Your brand of cleaners?

    Longs. As good as the Dill's as far as I can tell, and $1 for 60 at my local smoke shop.
  10. pistolero

    Piet OK?

    Looking at some older threads and saw a post of Piet's. Noticed he hasn't posted at all since like Nov 30 I think it was. Almost two full weeks. That's not like him is it?
  11. pistolero

    What are your other Hobbies?

    Ah that's the grandest of all. It is wonderful. Terrifying yes, but that's part of the greatest adventures. Most terrifying, most rewarding, most fun. I remember when my oldest was about that age I would sometimes think "what did I ever do for entertainment before we had her?"? She was so much...
  12. pistolero

    New from Washington

    Welcome, brother. 8)
  13. pistolero

    Looking for work?

    While that's all true and large multi-million dollar companies have and will nix large projects mid stream, last I heard Ford is actually making money. Hmmm, might have something to do with the fact that they are the only one of the big 3 that didn't invite the gov in to help them out and run...
  14. pistolero

    Price forecast

    Don't count on it. My money is on NO. And a lot sooner than ten years, more like one or two IF we're lucky. A couple of years ago here I could buy a pack of cigs and a coke and get change back from a five dollar bill. A carton of Camels could be about $23 on sale. That won't happen again. And...
  15. pistolero

    trying to find a date on these tins...

    Correct on the Escudo. With the Stokkebye tins the small vertical number left of the UPC code is the date YY/DD/MM. Older versions I don't know. I have no Idea about the others.
  16. pistolero

    Price forecast

    THIS: Yes sir. After the necessities shelter, water, enough to eat, people will want tobacco, coffee, etc. Liquor keeps forever, too!
  17. pistolero

    Check this out.

    The Harmonicats, that's crazy cool. Check out Night Train.
  18. pistolero

    what is going on?

    Could just be you really. I don't know if this is common but I often find what I'm smoking now is influenced by what I smoked last, especially if it was a stronger taste, good or bad. Even sometimes when the last smoke wasn't too strong. Sometimes I would get up in the morning and not even be...
  19. pistolero

    How long is an open tin good for?

    A month or so it will be fine IMO. Pipe tobacco won't dry out very quickly as opposed to a cigar. Most of it comes too moist to start with.
  20. pistolero

    In the category of "best cheap whiskey," I nominate....

    Evan Williams. Haven't tried Old Forester though.