How long is an open tin good for?

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Nov 21, 2010
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Hey all, since i'm pretty new to the whole pipe thing, I was wondering how long a tin is good for after being opened? Do I need to bag/jar it right after opening, or am I good for a month or so?
A month or so it will be fine IMO. Pipe tobacco won't dry out very quickly as opposed to a cigar. Most of it comes too moist to start with.
Personal recommendation...jar it upon opening.

But the tin will probably retain *most* of it's smokeability for a week...two at most in my experience, depending on the blend. The exception is a few tobaccos which have an uncanny ability to retain moisture. Most of those will be heavilly cased and/or pgd aromatics and the like.

THere are a few tobaccos that I personally don't mind smoking when they are ridiculously dry. Mostly virginia type stuff.
It depends on..

The moisture level upon opening..

Some blends need a week or so open tin time just to dry out enough to smoke.

English blends seem to lose their oils quicker than Virginias for whatever reason.



When you open the tin put the tobacco in a plastic baggie. Keep it in the tin and it'll stay fresher.

Depending on how much you smoke it'll keep for weeks.
It depends on the moisture level you enjoy smoking.
Most tins are pretty moist on initial opening and benefit from a bit of drying time. Having said that, if I intend to save a tin for anything longer than a week or so, I jar it in a clean Ball or Mason jar with a new lid.

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