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Brothers of Briar

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  1. pistolero

    Check this out.

    Was lookin at harmonica stuff and ran across this: Must see.
  2. pistolero

    This should be fun

    Even I noticed that. All that about the government leaks and I never heard mentioned he was a criminal, you would think that would have come out. Then when they really want you, YOU WILL be the bad guy.
  3. pistolero

    Man Cave Under Construction

    Cool. Attic space? As Piet would say, BRILLIANT! I will watch in envy.
  4. pistolero

    Custom pipe cabinet made by my wife

    You should keep her a while longer. :face: Welcome to BOB brother.
  5. pistolero

    what the heck are they talking about?

    Look at the top right of each "post" (not thread) and there is a "button" that says "QUOTE" Click on that button, in the post you wish to quote, type your own post and send. It should come out something like this post. 8)
  6. pistolero

    My tobacco cellar and non-smoking "smoking room"

    Well I can see you A) Like Squadron Leader and Frog Morton, and B) Have some very handsome pipes. Welcome to the brotherhood, puffer.
  7. pistolero

    What's a good winter smoke? works!
  8. pistolero

    Best stress-relief tobacco/smoke?

    ESCUDO! It works! Hell, I think I'll use that for a sig line.
  9. pistolero

    What is the strongest heaviest English blend?

    4noggins 2 oz sample:
  10. pistolero

    Need some help from you guys

    Let us know what you think, noone here warned me. It is a DELICIOUS very addicting taste of vaper goodness! :affraid:
  11. pistolero

    Need some help from you guys

    If you were impressed with the 2015 have you tried Escudo yet?
  12. pistolero

    What are you smoking?

    C&D Burley Flake #2 in my 1970's Dr. Grabow Golden Duke.
  13. pistolero

    What's a good morning smoke?

    I vote Carter Hall. I love PA anytime, CH is a little lighter/sweeter first smoke of the day.
  14. pistolero

    The cost of pipe tobacco

    YES! Lil brown also is the cheapest (I've seen) by far on MM cobs. I meant to get a couple Diplomats on my order from there but forgot.
  15. pistolero

    The cost of pipe tobacco

    This place is very cheap on most stuff: Especially drug store tins PA, CH, etc.
  16. pistolero


    Hmmm, pipes, beer, tall blonde women, it'll do. Close enough to Valhalla.
  17. pistolero

    Recommend a small bowled pipe

    Apparently those days are over. I've been watching ebay auctions for GBDs and none of them go for a song anymore.
  18. pistolero

    Find the "problem" with this picture and win some tobacco!

    Ha! Sweet. Actually when I first looked at the pic, that was my guess but I scanned down and you had already posted it! Congrats.
  19. pistolero

    noob from Indianapolis

    Speaking of Bruins' avatar, is that you in it Bruins?
  20. pistolero

    Don't Play With Possum

    I dub thee.... Possumslayer. :king: