Don't Play With Possum

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Jul 13, 2010
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Okay so I had a few glasses of wine and samples of cheese with friends and lots of pipe smoking and chatting. Came home a tad late.. Had left the light on in the chicken coop. Went outside to smoke some SG Best Brown Flake under the stars.. Then I heard the birds clucking away. So I pulled out my mini LED flash light and went to see what was going on.. My coop is fenced in good. Doors for the birds to get in and out open as normal.. Inside I spy a Possum just walking about. No dead chickens that's good. So I pull out my trusty Old Timer.. Jab.. Out the door the little bugger went.. I went out on the chase.. "Mistake"... I chase the little bugger up and down the outside fence. Now he is cornered. Jab with the old timer.. Good strike .... For him and me.. This little poop bit me before I could pull away.. drat.. my right hand is bleeding and he takes off.. Back into the chicken house cause I could not find him.. Not there.. Closed the coop after a yard search in the coop run.. On my way out there he was.. Dead Possum.. Hand bleeding.. Who won that one ? Well he looked frisky and full of crap at the time.. I did not know they were so fast.. He is in eternal sleep right now.. Safe chickens.. Washed with soap and water.. I don't think he was sick at all.. Note: Use a 22 cal. on these guys.. They are tough... Hand sore.. Heading to bed Piet... Thought you could use a good morning story with your coffee.. I have had enough for tonight.. I did finish my pipe before coming into the house.. Off to bed.. :face:
Dang VE! You'd better get that wound looked at and I wouldn't wait, Possums are often rabid man. Don't take any chances.
Falconer":jb7cm04i said:
Dang VE! You'd better get that wound looked at and I wouldn't wait, Possums are often rabid man. Don't take any chances.
Ditto. What Valky said.......
Better get it checked and and take the body to the health department for analysis. They'll test it for rabies and you'll have piece of mind knowing you won't have to go through rabies shots :(
Falconer":6vcbmzu0 said:
Dang VE! You'd better get that wound looked at and I wouldn't wait, Possums are often rabid man. Don't take any chances.
I second third that! (Dover beat me to the post button) Rabies is some bad stuff!
Falconer":fid095ou said:
Dang VE! You'd better get that wound looked at and I wouldn't wait, Possums are often rabid man. Don't take any chances.
I was thinking of rabies Falky.. But he looked in good shape.. Not crazy or anything plus it was a young one.. Fast too.. He is laying in the back yard.. I will find out where to take him too for checking out.. The boys at the sheriff department should know.. I worked there for over 30 years.. Raccoon's I would be heading to the Doctors right now.. But I will go to bed now and wait to see how the hand is.. Its sore now but not like getting bit by a cat.. I felt good it was dead so I can take it in if I have too.. Must be getting slower in my older age.. The wine might have slowed me down a tad.. Thanks for the feedback.. :cheers:
Possibly good news, I reckon I was wrong about possums often having rabies.You scared me man! See notes below.

It is VERY VERY rare for an opossum to carry the rabies virus. It has the most resistance to the virus of any mammal. You are more likely to encounter a rabid horse. yes, an opossum with rabies will die, but in the last ten days of its life, it would be contagious to humans. If you are bitten by an opossum, attempt to contain the animal, and call your animal control or other related agency. They can test the possum for rabies, so that you can be sure it isn't one of the rare ones who are not immune to the virus. This is the case for any animal bite.. including domestic animals like cats, dogs, and ferrets. for more information, go to the CDC website.
Falconer":cu30ajhz said:
Possibly good news, I reckon I was wrong about possums often having rabies.You scared me man! See notes below.

It is VERY VERY rare for an opossum to carry the rabies virus. It has the most resistance to the virus of any mammal. You are more likely to encounter a rabid horse. yes, an opossum with rabies will die, but in the last ten days of its life, it would be contagious to humans. If you are bitten by an opossum, attempt to contain the animal, and call your animal control or other related agency. They can test the possum for rabies, so that you can be sure it isn't one of the rare ones who are not immune to the virus. This is the case for any animal bite.. including domestic animals like cats, dogs, and ferrets. for more information, go to the CDC website.
Your a true Brother Falky.. I am heading to bed.. I got the cooling off bugger in the back yard.. It was not a deep bite.. But he had sharp teeth.. I will take his cold body into the proper place in the morning.. Going to use my 17 cal next time.. Just a spur of the moment thing.. Thanks for looking it up for me.. Sleep the sleep of sleepers my friend.. :D

When I got bit by a cat I had made "friends" with
I was worried about rabies. They told me not to
worry about it, but if it were an opossum or a
raccoon they would have given me the vaccine.
You really oughtta take that little sucker in to
be tested. Better safe than dead.
pistolero":kpzjha3c said:
I dub thee.... Possumslayer. :king:
:lol!: :lol!: :lol!: :lol!: :lol!:
Mr. Possum Slayer!!! :lol!: :lol!: :lol!: :lol!:
We don't have those play dead things here, Roll over Valky quick man play dead!!!!!!

What's a Possum eh?????
Hope you are ok VE!
Another vote for taking the sucker to the health dept. for testing. You never can tell what was on that wire brush. (';)')

even if you're not worried about rabies, infection is something you should be worried about. animal bites are nasty. you could get in a mess quick. go get it cleaned out and get some antibiotics. you don't want to lose your shutter finger!

but hey guru VE, you are a manly manly no doubt about it! :D
bruins":rfut45pf said:
even if you're not worried about rabies, infection is something you should be worried about. animal bites are nasty. you could get in a mess quick. go get it cleaned out and get some antibiotics. you don't want to lose your shutter finger!

but hey guru VE, you are a manly manly no doubt about it! :D
I am keeping a good eye on that shutter hand bruins.. Local pain for such a small bite but no swelling or color change.. Sort of like a cat bite.. But cat's hurt much more. I suppose I will bag that sucker up and try to find out where the right part of the heath department is.. If they want to charge me big funds for testing I will skip that and find the nearest trash bin. I think my body is doing a fine job of fighting off any infection starting.. But will keep an eye for any changes.. Off to the outside now to take care of that bothersome critter... Thanks for all the feed back Brothers..

:cheers: :cheers: :cheers:
bruins":jxd5lf44 said:
even if you're not worried about rabies, infection is something you should be worried about.
Tell me about it!
Since I was worried about rabies,
I immediately went to the clinic.
By the time I was seen, my hand
was all red, swollen and hot.
The thing got infected like a
Komodo Dragon bite. I hate to
think how bad it wouldda got
without strong antibiotics.
had the same thing happen with a small dog bite, hermit. damn near could have lost my hand over it. don't be such a frontier's man VE! you probably washed it out with whiskey and put some dirt on it!
bruins":iefx5230 said:
had the same thing happen with a small dog bite, hermit. damn near could have lost my hand over it. don't be such a frontier's man VE! you probably washed it out with whiskey and put some dirt on it!
You know me pretty good bruins.. Washed it out with a great deal home made ale and wine from a friend..Rubbed it good with some FVF... Possum germs did not stand a chance.. Next time I am not going to use some dumb little knife.. I have bigger knifes and a couple nice walking sticks...
velveteagle":j7s0ib2f said:
Next time I am not going to use some dumb little knife.. I have bigger knifes and a couple nice walking sticks...
knives, walking sticks? maybe an inaccuracy on my part, but i like to think of you with an outside the belt desert eagle 50 cal on your hip as you travel around the wilderness. if that's anywhere near the truth, use that!

bruins":vllhopph said:
velveteagle":vllhopph said:
Next time I am not going to use some dumb little knife.. I have bigger knifes and a couple nice walking sticks...
knives, walking sticks? maybe an inaccuracy on my part, but i like to think of you with an outside the belt desert eagle 50 cal on your hip as you travel around the wilderness. if that's anywhere near the truth, use that!
You are right.. I like the big calibers.. 10 gauge shotguns, 44 Mags, Something that works fast is my motto.. :cheers:

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