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Brothers of Briar

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  1. Winslow

    Pipe identification help

    The "RB" is Comoy's "Rule Brittania" with a backwards "R".That's the closest I've seen. Winslow :sunny:
  2. Winslow

    Getting ready to walk the rope

    The nicotine hit that you get from the ropes is substansial to say the least and they are cigarish.Your wife will chase you outside for sure. Winslow :sunny:
  3. Winslow

    What are you smoking?

    Hamboorger Veermaster in a Yanik meer,sweet Virginia! Winslow :sunny:
  4. Winslow

    Pipe identification help

    If it's not on this website you're out of luck. :( Happy hunting! Winslow :sunny:
  5. Winslow

    Bought us a toy

    I play Chessmaster and WW2 games on my computer.Silent Hunter 3 is my favorite and a good game for pipesmoking with not a lot of sudden hand moves.Red Orchestra is another favorite......but you can get tongue bite puffing too fast on the pipe when all these guys are trying to kill you. :x...
  6. Winslow

    Workout Stack

    I never was so disciplined about eating except to eat 3 balanced meals when I was into bodybuilding.I drank Gatorade when I worked out and sometimes a Wieder drink you mixed with water.I took protien on and off and vitamins sometimes. It took me 3 years to get my arms from 15 1/2" to 18" and I...
  7. Winslow

    I'm Retiring

    It really hasn't sunk in yet,I don't believe it will until we close on the house. I never even dreamed of living so near a lake with abundant fishing.I picture myself paddling a canoe and puffing on a pipe :) After all those years inside that dirty Post Office. :x Winslow :sunny:
  8. Winslow

    Winners of the Gumball Contest

    It's a lot of fun for me as well,we had 40 entries to the contest.Now these pipes will live again and not languish in the bottom of a musty drawer.Hope to have them all mailed by Monday......moving is such a mess. :x Winslow :sunny:
  9. Winslow

    Winners of the Gumball Contest

    After I get my pension from the U.S.Gov. I will part with the President Obama Bobblehead Idol in a super-duper contest around Presidents Day. :lol: Winslow :sunny:
  10. Winslow

    Winners of the Gumball Contest

    The number of gumballs was 137.I told Dock Perry before the contest was posted. Here are the winners based on earliest submissions; 1. Doc Manhatten 138 2.Shadrack 136 3.Clueless 135 4.Dover Pipes 134 5.Short Circuit 140 6.Trout Bum...
  11. Winslow

    Gumball Contest

    I could have filled that glass with Brazil Nuts if I wasn't such a gentleman. :x Winslow :sunny:
  12. Winslow

    OT: Weight Training Question

    Eat sensible low fat quality foods,the supplements only give you expensive urine. The most important thing is persistence and coming to like working out.It's no discipline to do something you enjoy.It takes a couple years to really change things. Winslow :sunny:
  13. Winslow

    Gumball Contest

    No you do not!That is my idol,at least until my pensions go through and I don't need him anymore. :) Winslow :sunny:
  14. Winslow

    Worst Advertising Idea Ever

    I showed this retro ad to my wife to show her what would happen if I was served that decaffenated coffee she drinks; Winslow :sunny:
  15. Winslow

    What are you snuffing?

    I smoked a lot of bowls yesterday,only snuffing today so far.F&T Morlaix and the usual Poschel snuffs to keep invigorated. :) Winslow :sunny:
  16. Winslow

    Forever Stems for Cobs

    I bookmarked his site,thanks for the headsup. :bounce: Winslow :sunny:
  17. Winslow

    Gumball Contest

    All the pipes are cleaned and sanitized,the meers have been sanded inside the bowls to remove all carbon. Sasquatch,enter anyway....a tin of tobacco will be awarded in lieu of a pipe. Winslow :sunny:
  18. Winslow

    Gumball Contest

    I am packing up my belongings for my move to Virginia at the end of the month. I have some pipes to give away along with some tobacco that are surplus and not worth it to put on E-Bay. Guess the number of gumballs in the glass,closest number over or under wins first choice,2nd closest wins...
  19. Winslow

    Savinelli question

    "Once I thought I was wrong,but I was mistaken". Winslow :sunny:
  20. Winslow

    2 weeks in an counting...

    You're off to a splendid start with some classic tobaccos and the beginning of a "herd" of pipes. :) Winslow :sunny: