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Brothers of Briar

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  1. whitebriar

    New Sherlock movie starring Gandalf...

    Brett was the living image of how i have always pictured Holmes
  2. whitebriar

    New Sherlock movie starring Gandalf...

    just can't imagine Holmes as married--what woman would put up with him?
  3. whitebriar

    The Complete Sherlock Holmes

    we actually divested ourselves of most of the junk--altho i still have storage on property i own nearby--we are in a retirement apartment complex--not wonderful, but really has a few decent percs; like life care health coverage-- i put a lot of books in the storage space--
  4. whitebriar

    The Complete Sherlock Holmes

    did that too last year--not fun
  5. whitebriar

    The Complete Sherlock Holmes

    i have that same edition--over the years i have had many, usually in two volumes--i suppose the first double volume set i got was back about 1968 or '69-- today i keep a double volume paper back edition in by travel bag at all times--never get tired of those stories-- by the way, heresy of...
  6. whitebriar

    Old Joe Krantz

    roger that :) :) 
  7. whitebriar

    Old Joe Krantz

    Old Joe AND Big n Burley both improve with age..what i'm smoking now is near 3 years old..remember, burley hates a hot coal..smoe it shallow..sip it lightly. When you think the pipe is almost out your pace is just about right..
  8. whitebriar

    Old Joe Krantz

    it's among my top three---in fact it's closing in on number two which is Morley's Best-- if i were told it's OJK or nothin' from now on, i'd be OK with that--OJK that is--
  9. whitebriar

    Smoking blending Burleys by themselves?

    i have never been able to acquire a taste for virginia tobaccos-- burley on the other hand; i find irresistable-- maybe if i live to be a really really old man i will someday like virginias--and then again probably not--
  10. whitebriar

    tried my hand at making a new blend.

    i have tried to do this over the years--sometimes it works; other times not so much-- it's really good when it works out so well--
  11. whitebriar

    The best Sherlock Holmes

    total agreement here--i know i'm a geezer, and that the more modern versions will play for a younger audience, but for some reason taking such libertiy with the characters is just bit more than a little over the top for me-- heck, i'm ALMOST old enough to remember the victorian age--no not...
  12. whitebriar

    What are you smoking?

    'Old Joe' and Big & Burley all day in a Pete 998
  13. whitebriar

    Peterson Sherlock Holmes Pipes???

    don't have one at present--it is under consideration-- (consider bank account condition)-- i am sort of eyeballing for an estate Hudson, Lestrade or Watson--Kinsale is not only OK, but likely preferred--(see reference to bank account) i really think i like the Hudson best, and the Lestrade is...
  14. whitebriar

    What are you smoking?

    Holy Cow; :shock: are you serious?? that is some seriously cellared tobacco--1914, my dad was two years old--i'm now 68-- just goes to show burley may not improve with age, but will hold it's own better than most--
  15. whitebriar

    This is my favorite time to smoke!

    agreed BD--early mornings are a special time--i remember them well-- but after 30 years of rising at 0300 to go to work, i have opted for a bit later rising time-- :D still, when on a rare occasion i am required to be up and about at sunrise i still remember the special quality of early...
  16. whitebriar

    This is my favorite time to smoke!

    :D :D :D exactly what i was thinking--my night excursions with pipe in hand occur November thru March
  17. whitebriar

    What are you smoking?

    last bowl--Morley's Best in a Westbrook Sportsman apple nose warmer
  18. whitebriar

    If Tobacco Became Illegal...

    'Old Joe' ---pounds and pounds and pounds
  19. whitebriar

    Favorite shape?

    >>>>>monbla256--wrote>> Subject: Re: Favorite shape? Today at 12:39 pm Bulldogs ! (Rhodesians as well ) Either straight or bent, they ALL smoke the BEST >>>>> ___________________________________________________________________ me too--bulldogs seem to suit my favorite tobaccos, and my...