tried my hand at making a new blend.

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Aug 25, 2010
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So Ive been smoking alot of Cornell and Diehl Star of the East, and alot of McCleland 2000 Frag. Mature Cake, and I like both of them equally.
I mixed the two together, about a 50/50 mixture and tried it tonight in a bowl, and holy crapola! The VA brought a sweeter more complex taste to the C&D Star of the East, and equally, the Star of the east, brought a tangier, smokier,earthier flavor to the sharp contrast of the Viriginias with that touch of Vanilla flavoring/room note.
It seemed like every couple of puffs, I was tasting something different.. next time I do an order, Im gonna order equal parts of these two, and combine em in a jar, and see how it does for a while.. I really enjoy smoking this.. and I def. recommend you guys trying it. Ive tried blending in the past (with crap aromatics years ago, and to no avail. it really didnt do much or taste like anything. This kinda reminds me of mixing Dr pepper and fruit punch at the fountain when you were a kid.. ( I still do this sometimes) :face:
i have tried to do this over the years--sometimes it works; other times not so much--

it's really good when it works out so well--
Personally, I'd equate that to really liking apple cobbler and slow-smoked barbecue brisket. Both are amazing when they're done right, but mixing the two together? Hey, whatever works for ya.

I wouldn't get to that end, apple flavoring that is, by throwing a perfectly good cobbler in there: I'd use...apples. :)

I'm thinking the brisket should go in the cobbler, rather than the other way around. Like a sweet and savory pie sorta thing.
Just shove a couple of honeycrisps in the south end of a cow and run it through a barn fire. Let's get back to basics, here.

Back to topic - the OP mixed 2 of his favorite blends and it worked out for him.


Sometimes a blend like that works out and other times it goes in the 'Mystery Jar' for later additions. Glad this worked out for you, Brother.

While I admit that these two blends are noticeably different, the thought of mixing them never occurred to me. Most of the blending I have done has been with Aromatics, but that's a preference thing.

Keep at it - and Yes, age it for a month or two before you try it. Even that small amount of time can make quite a difference.
Experimental blends are fine. I have a culinary background, and it's always stressed as important to know your ingredients, or you're bound to just make a mess. Which is okay, but some people then fancy themselves master blenders and start putting everything together, and get lost. Talked to one poor guy recently just like that at the Tinder Box.

Forgive my playing devil's advocate here, but if they're two great blends you enjoy, it isn't always 1+1=2 (better) by combining them...hence my apple cobbler mixed with BBQ brisket analogy. Eating them separately versus the same time is perfectly okay, if not respective of the person who likely worked pretty hard at developing it for it to fall into the hands of whimsy.

That's part of the reason why I stay away from self-blending, I admit I don't know any better. :lol: Cooking taught me at least that much, create a mess first, then learn to cook.

Again, nothing wrong with it, if you enjoy it, spot-on. I'd be surprised if from a year from now you're still enjoying it. Rob here, he's been mixing his stuff for a reason and for quite a while. Developed taste or hit a winner: we'll never know--so long as we're all enjoying it, right?

Takes all kinds.

Kyle Weiss":9ciu5qvz said:
Forgive my playing devil's advocate here, but if they're two great blends you enjoy, it isn't always 1+1=2 (better) by combining them...hence my apple cobbler mixed with BBQ brisket analogy.
Yeah but who knows, could be more of a 'Ham & Pineapple' combination too...
Totally. If you can isolate the ham and the pineapple, that is. Otherwise it's fun alchemy that might do something cool, if not totally unexpected (for better or worse...)

Erinmore Flake and Nightcap? :lol:

Kyle Weiss":49vihiit said:
Totally. If you can isolate the ham and the pineapple, that is. Otherwise it's fun alchemy that might do something cool, if not totally unexpected (for better or worse...)
Trust me - I've had more turn out worse than better. Well - not bad, but not quite what I hoped for either.
Yah, sometimes it works, but not always. No reason to stop tryin'.

I used to have a bookmark on a site labeled "Pipe Tobacco Blending Made Easy." It's content was the alchemy of taking available pipe tobaccos and proportions for blending them to get new treats. It was a very interesting site for pipers. Alas! my bookmark now turns up the "page not available" message, and, in this case, a search doesn't produce a find.
I've had pretty good luck with my Lagniappe jar. Whatever is left over in a tin insufficient for a full bowl goes in the jar (aromatics in one jar, orientals/Perique in another). After a little while I give the jar a good shake and put some in a pipe. I haven't been let down once and every time is a new experience. :shock:

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