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Brothers of Briar

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  1. whitebriar

    What are you smoking?

    OJK in a Medico bulldog
  2. whitebriar

    What are you smoking?

    Bayou Night in a BC pot
  3. whitebriar

    What are you smoking?

    Mountain Camp in a Pete B5
  4. whitebriar

    What are you smoking?

    BnB in a MM Diplomat--cooler on the porch today--watching the birds as i enjoy
  5. whitebriar

    Anyone else into Black Cavendish?

    many times uncouth is good--if it works, do it--
  6. whitebriar

    What are you smoking?

    OJK in a MM Dane Spool--this was a very nice experience--
  7. whitebriar

    What Is Your Favorite Morning Smoke?

    i'm afraid my choice of first tobacco is like my choice of first coffee--whatever there is available--no real preference until much later-- some choices can't be rushed in the early hours ;)
  8. whitebriar

    40 year old pipe tobacco

    i would be interested in your observations about Flying Dutchman--i used to smoke it a lot back in 1968-69--couldn't get my burley where i was living-- it could, i suppose, smoke hot and bite--i never really had much trouble with that--but do take care when you try it-- i assume this is the...
  9. whitebriar

    The mason jar aging process

    i have never been able to understand the idea of undisturbed cellar--admittedly i am from the 'old school'-- i guess i just 'store' tobacco rather than cellar it--about the only way i can hurt my tobacco is to pour it out in a pie tin, uncovered, and leave it for about 5 years--that'd probably...
  10. whitebriar

    Change In Taste AGAIN !

    my tastes have proven flighty of late also--after smoking burley exclusively for 53 years, i have now bought and even enjoyed a few va., vaper, and oriental blends--wonders never cease--
  11. whitebriar

    What are you smoking?

    Carter Hall in a Pete B5
  12. whitebriar

    What if MM

    if MM started making the bulldog once more, they would sell at least one-- ;)
  13. whitebriar

    Are You A Pipe Collector or A Pipe Smoker?

    smoker only-- like the guy above said, i have 'accumulated' some pipes over the past 5 decades, but i haven't collected them--nothin' artistic about 'em--all but one shows it's age--
  14. whitebriar

    What are you smoking?

    that is a good lookin' doggie--i like it-- Morley's Best in a Pete B5
  15. whitebriar

    What are you smoking?

    Old Joe Krantz in a Grabow bent
  16. whitebriar

    What are you smoking?

    McC Navy Cavendish in a Dr. G Viking
  17. whitebriar

    what pipe of yours smokes the best?

    all my cobs are great--the Danes are the preferred my best briar is probably an old Kaywoodie bulldog, about 45 years old-- i was about to say that burley really sings in that pipe, but i say that about every pipe and burley--i love burley--
  18. whitebriar

    POLL: Do you smoke cigarettes?

    quit Pall Mall reds over 40 years ago--smoked 'em in the service cause a pipe was bulky in the uniform
  19. whitebriar

    What are you smoking?

    just finished the same kind of 'leavins' jar mix'--in a Dr Grabow #84 canadian-- my 'toss bowl' is also pretty decent as it is now, so no more input there--gotta start a new leavins' bowl<<grin>>