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Brothers of Briar

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  1. ontariopiper

    Where, oh where, have the Burley Flakes gone?

    HI LC. I've not tried the #3. I have attempted to smoke C&D's Burley Flake #1 and did not care for it at all. Tasted like dried mushrooms and dust. Ick. I'll need to research the #3 flake before jumping into another in the same line.
  2. ontariopiper

    Two special birthday recognitions need to go out today

    Happy birthday, boys! May your pipes always smoke sweetly!
  3. ontariopiper

    Where, oh where, have the Burley Flakes gone?

    I have not! Thanks for the suggestion. :D
  4. ontariopiper

    Where, oh where, have the Burley Flakes gone?

    Just my luck then, I guess! ? Thanks DB.
  5. ontariopiper

    Where, oh where, have the Burley Flakes gone?

    I'm on the hunt for Solani Aged Burley Flake and/or Wessex Burley Slices, but everyone seems to be perpetually sold out. :( SmokingPipes, 4Noggins, P&C, Cup o Joes, Mars, Iwan Ries - all sold out as of this writing. Some of these retailers don't even ship to Canada, but I thought I'd look...
  6. ontariopiper

    Who Likes Aromatics?

    I'm with CharlG - I keep a few aros around to please "delicate company". Brought some C&D Sweet English to our family Thanksgiving brouhaha this weekend and got no complaints. I've had similar good luck with Frog Morton and a couple other American English blends. Best of both worlds IMO - the...
  7. ontariopiper

    Favourite Non-Aro Stuliff Blends?

    Thanks for all the input, gents! I'll be working up my order soon! :D
  8. ontariopiper

    Favourite Non-Aro Stuliff Blends?

    Hey folks, I've never tried any Sutliff blends, but the current sale at SP makes them very tempting - $1.50USD per ounce?!? Reviews online seem to be a mixed bag - some great, others not so much. I'm all for saving a buck on my baccy order, but don;t want to waste it on ho-hum blends either...
  9. ontariopiper

    What is Your Holy Grail Blend, and Why?

    I just finished a nice bowl of Orlik Dark Strong Kentucky, and I have to say I could live with this blend for a long time in perfect contentment. It just seems to hit the rights notes with me. Packs & burns well, flavour is full, rounded and satisfying, and even the room note is acceptable...
  10. ontariopiper

    Advice for the new Piper

    Dorchester - I'd say you're already miles ahead of the average pipe novice. You're sampling different blends, different pipes and figuring out what works for you. As others have said, pipe smoking is not an instant hobby. All of us suffered through rough bowls, tongue bite, hundreds of...
  11. ontariopiper

    New Pipe Hunt...

    I've got a couple of Danish estates listed in my e-store, if one of those catches your eye.
  12. ontariopiper

    Anyone Take In Someone Else's Teenager?

    Just trying to help where we can, LC. Sometimes it really does take a village, as the saying goes. ?
  13. ontariopiper

    Anyone Take In Someone Else's Teenager?

    Indeed. We did our homework before jumping into this. Here in Ontario a child can decide where he/she will live once they reach the age of 16. We also managed to get the support of one of her parents, which makes things a lot easier. So far I'd say things are going well, small bumps in the...
  14. ontariopiper

    Anyone Take In Someone Else's Teenager?

    Thanks Jim. She's a good kid, and motivated to improve herself. Does well at school, has a part time job, and a viable plan for post-secondary education. Living where/how she was put all that at risk; we could at least offer a stable home life.
  15. ontariopiper

    Anyone Take In Someone Else's Teenager?

    Your experience definitely mirrors mine. Can't tell you how many arguments between my brothers and I followed this pattern - Guy 1: "Ass!" (punches other guy's shoulder). "Let's go something." Guy 2: "Yeah, okay." Girls are vicious creatures by comparison.
  16. ontariopiper

    Anyone Take In Someone Else's Teenager?

    Thanks for the wisdom, Wiz. I grew up in a family of boys, where conflicts were short, intense and then over. Teenage girls are a whole other creature! I imagine I'll add a few more grey hairs to the collection along the way here, but they're inherently good kids. I have faith they'll come our...
  17. ontariopiper

    Anyone Take In Someone Else's Teenager?

    This is one of those things I never thought I'd end up doing. Our elder daughter is away at university, and daughter #2 is a junior in high school. Given my recent health issues, we had seriously been thinking of downsizing from our 4-bed house to a 3-bed condo apartment; in fact, we were a...
  18. ontariopiper

    Moving once again

    Hope you get settled before the chilly weather sets in, Jim!
  19. ontariopiper

    Storage and temperatures

    Whil Ideally, you'd build an insulated wall and install some heating in the lounge side of your garage, Stick, I'm betting it would be possible to create a more stable baccy storage solution if you can run some basic electricity out there. Something like a cabinet lined with foam insulation...