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Brothers of Briar

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  1. ontariopiper

    New Tires OMG

    Ha ha! This sounds familiar! Only I have usually just filled the gas tank too! :fpalm:
  2. ontariopiper

    Brigham Shape Chart v2.0

    Thanks, Rande!
  3. ontariopiper

    NOS Brigham 4-Dot Churchwarden

    Here are the pics again. Let me know if they post properly. The first set above are linked to my Google Photos account; these I've hosted here using the Host an Image button.....
  4. ontariopiper

    NOS Brigham 4-Dot Churchwarden

    Weird. I'll hazard a guess that there's something dodgy at your end, Rande. I can see the pics, as can others.... I'll maybe try to reload them and see if that does it.
  5. ontariopiper

    NOS Brigham 4-Dot Churchwarden

    Thanks! These are more collectibles than smokers for me. I'll keep these 2 in my Brigham collection. I have another no-name CW to smoke if I feel the urge to connect with my inner Hobbit <img class="emojione" alt="?" title=":grin:"...
  6. ontariopiper

    NOS Brigham 4-Dot Churchwarden

    My most recent addition to the pipe cabinet, this Unsmoked, New Old Stock Brigham 432 Churchwarden circa 1960s or early 1970s. Makes a good partner to the 1940's Brigham 114 CW I found several years ago. :D
  7. ontariopiper

    The 2019 Peterson Christmas Pipes Are In

    I have made my opinion on the 999 abundantly clear around here - now I just have to be a good boy and see if Santa was listening! :santa:
  8. ontariopiper

    Brigham Shape Chart v2.0

    Hey all, After almost a year, I've finally published Version 2.0 of my Official Unofficial Brigham Shape Chart! It's "officially unofficial" as there is no master list of pipe shapes available from Brigham. I've compiled the chart by cataloging and photographing my own vintage (pre-2001)...
  9. ontariopiper

    What's your posting history?

    My list is short and likely to get shorter. B0B was my first pipe forum. I am also active on a Canadian pipes & cigar forum, and belong to a pipe-smoking group and a pipe restoration group, both on Facebook. The FB pipe group is likely going to be dropped as it often wanders off script. I also...
  10. ontariopiper’s so slow around here. Isn’t anything happening?

    We are prepping to deliver our younger daughter to university next weekend. That'll be both kids launched! Exciting but I'm not quite sure what I'm going to fill my time with after being the primary at-home parent for the last 20 years. :shock: Also starting physio tomorrow - had a run-in with...
  11. ontariopiper

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Dried out a flake of HH ODF last night and packed it into a restored estate Peterson System 309. A bit heavy for a warm summer night, IMHO, but tasty just the same.
  12. ontariopiper

    Got my pipe apart - now another problem - UPDATE

    Before bulking up the stem with glue or nail polish, try this simple trick: Warm the tenon over a lighter flame briefly - not enough to make it sag but definitely warm to the touch. Then let it cool. Test the fit. A loose tenon is often caused by removing the stem while the pipe is still...
  13. ontariopiper

    Lil help; stuck stem

    You could try dribbling a bit of high-proof alcohol into the stem/shank junction. That will melt any tars that may be binding the tenon in place. Warning that it may also strip the wax finish from the shank. An eye dropper may help target the right area.
  14. ontariopiper

    What is your quintessential summer blend?

    Like Brewdude, the hot sticky summer weather puts a real damper on my enjoyment of a pipe, but when I do get to sit out with a bowl, lately its been Vintage Syrian or a Burley blend. VS is a rather gentle blend compared to some of the Cyprian Latakia tobaccos. Glad I have a stash tucked away!
  15. ontariopiper

    Happy birthday, huffelpuff!

    I'm late to the party, but I hope you had a great day, Jim! :joker: :joker:
  16. ontariopiper

    Hello from Ontario, Canada

    Welcome to the BoB from another Ontario piper! Where in ON are you?
  17. ontariopiper

    Indoors/ Outdoors

    Mainly outdoors for me. When the Canadian winter hits, I move to the garage (heated) or, this upcoming winter, I'll be able to enjoy a bowl in my new shop. :D
  18. ontariopiper

    Methods for Removing Rim Darkening

    I haven't heard of this method before, Pepesdad1. Thanks for sharing. My own 2 cents - I've used saliva for basic rim tar removal, and alcohol for more stubborn gunk. 0000 steel wool also does a fine job scrubbing off those nasty rim accretions without harming the briar underneath, though...
  19. ontariopiper

    Canadian tobacco law?

    In response to a few questions posted: Yes, Cuban cigars are still available in Canada. :D Sending tobacco north to Canada is not banned or illegal. It IS subject to duty and taxes, however, so sending a buddy a surprise gift of a pound of Latakia Flake may result in a hefty border charge...
  20. ontariopiper

    Canadian tobacco law?

    Mail routing is dependent on point of origin and destination. USPS routes international mail to the closest departure point to the sender. Where it comes across the border is, I think, based on geography and where in Canada the parcel is going. For example, if you mail something in New England...