’s so slow around here. Isn’t anything happening?

Brothers of Briar

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Oct 23, 2010
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Oregon City, Oregon - USA
Man...summer can be a slow time for posting around here.  I feel like a petulant kid in the back seat on a road trip.  I’m so bored.  

Share something cool, fun or interesting that’s going on in your neck of the woods.

Are we there yet!?!?


Me?  I took the dog out this morning and there was this little tiny bat doing patterns across my back forty.  I remember watching bats doing that when I was in Vietnam...flying patterns into the balls of insects massed around the street light across from our hooch.

Yes, I'm probably guilty here, Mr BH. Summer holidays are busy times with the family.


Just been to the climbing wall with the kids. Good times! Kids made great progress and had a ball, and I was moving well.

Lots of lessons to learn too which is why I love outdoor ed. Lessons for life. The kids achieving something they previously thought impossible....’so, if you you can crack that son, what else can you achieve when the going gets tough?’

Interestingly outdoor ed centres were born in the uk. The earliest ones were used to train junior merchant navy seaman who, it was noticed, were less likely to survive being torpedoed than the old sweats. The outdoor ed experience being ‘character building’ (not a phrase I’d readily use now).

That’s me, I’m done (for now).
Fair time. Always slow.

Fact: There is not enough weekends between now and Christmas to get everything done. I can barely keep the grass mowed this year. Weed wacking is behind.
I've been keeping busy with my music. Rehearsing with my band, starting the acoustic duo with the band's founder/leader, and zeroing in on completing my latest album project. That, and keeping fit at the rec center gym everyday.

That's the short version.


the semester started this past Monday -- :p so, yeah, lots happening, good(ish) and bad
Sold practically everything and close on the house at the end of August. Purchased a used Vespa scooter to take on our travels with the 5th wheel. The wife took a spill on it within 5 minutes and broke her pinky and tore her shoulder rotator. So between the medical visits and cleaning up the house that takes a bit out of the day.

At night I usually sort through the items in the camper again to make sure they are really needed. Or, I can't find something. Did it go in storage, the camper, garage sale, or just throw it out? One item we did get was a barcode sticker to place on some storage bins in the shed. Then we list general items and take a picture of the bin before closing it up. It helps with locating some things but we still root around for things.

The dogs do not have a doggie door to go out by themselves anymore so I'm up at 2:30 am to take the puppy and the old dog out and again at 6:00 am.

The afternoon usually involves an inspector, roofing or carpet person, or real estate to deal with. A nap is the highlight of the day. No cigars or pipes the last few weeks but when the move out is final I expect to relax a bit.
Blackhorse":e3yswn6h said:
What...are they gonna start growing their own crops?
no no haha I s just a fancy name for a big movable pin essentially did they can go into on a field and basically free range but not be free because of the Bears in things
We are prepping to deliver our younger daughter to university next weekend. That'll be both kids launched! Exciting but I'm not quite sure what I'm going to fill my time with after being the primary at-home parent for the last 20 years. :shock:

Also starting physio tomorrow - had a run-in with a table saw in early July that cost me 2 fingertips on my left (non-dominant) hand. Not my proudest moment, but certainly a Darwin Award winning effort. :scratch: :roll:

Looking forward to some cooler weather so I can break out my heavier pipe blends again,
Good to know that I have not been the only one that has neglected this fraternity. In a word the summer has been too hot in New Orleans, to move, to type and to think.

I have gone slightly insane over Morgan Bones and Missouri Meerchaum pipes, got the churchwarden, another bulldog and an hourglass, among others. I continue to break open a tin of twelve year old Westminster, a lovely blend that I like more than the regular Westminster.

Another savinelli, another Rossi (which I like a lot) and I continue to smoke in the place of taking a drink. Which I am rather thankful for. In fact, the only thing I like about drinking over smoking is that I am able to do it indoors while watching a movie.

Today had a heat index of a 123 here in New Orleans. Blazing damn hot with no cloud at all in sight anywhere. I have not had a smoke in about two days, and haven't even tried my new Bones its been so hot. But it will happen, it will happen soon.
Not much going on here. I managed to cut the grass yesterday in the 90 degree plus, heat. It's not the temperature that bothers me so much as it is the freekin' humidity! Also the state fair is going on. I'd like to go, but it's too hot to go. I've been working inside on my tobacco cellar, building shelves and such. Watching tv, mostly sports and game shows.
Been a busy but fun summer so far for me. My wife and I decided we would buy kayaks. We had an old utility trailer that was off at the back of the lot so we pulled that out of the weeds, refurbished it and set it up to carry kayaks. Been doing some exploring locally so far but plan to head for the inshore waters at the coast before Fall fully sets in.

As I was adjusting the size of Mr. Whipple’s photos down to where they didn’t expand the overall screen and make many guys text size too small to read...

I was thinkin’ that it really looked like he’d moved his recliner from in front of the flat screen to his kayak.  Nothing like fishin’ in comfort!  Love it. Watch out fer them gators Buba!

Doesn’t it kinda look like he’s texting someone there?

You could hear about the $1200-8000 Japanese knife in the soba noodle thread in the kitchen forum.

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