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Brothers of Briar

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  1. Davey

    Cabaiguan Guapos 46

    I know, carlos...doesn't it? I never even heard of the line. Not that I am aguru, but i hold my own...i think...'s got me real intrigued!
  2. Davey

    Cabaiguan Guapos 46

    Very smart review. It also reminds me of a Comacho *****...reallly strong, or really i should say full bodeid ( as strong implies harsh) I never thought i'd say one was too much for me, but that and Fuente Opus X are just a tad outside my profiule preferences. I will have to try one of those...
  3. Davey

    Hi everyone...

    Welcome and good to see you post. Davey The Shy Lately
  4. Davey

    Pipe Boards vs. Cigar Boards

    I feel like on eof us tripped a Bouncing Betty somewhere under tthe sand... I can think of no reason wny anoyone would want to contribute to a forum that upsets oneself...unless that is a form of relaxation for the individual. Either way, welcome and I suppose you may find the banter here on...
  5. Davey

    The best Sherlock Holmes

    Jeremy Brett. So many favorite writings to choose from...I'd have to say that although typical as it ,may be "Hound of teh baskerville" is on top three. Davey
  6. Davey

    Ashton VSG

    Puff, Nice review. I have similair sentiments withe VSG, though I do enjoy the peppery notes well enough. Over the years i have noticed i reach less and less for the Ashtons these days. My palette must be getting stronger. the Cabinets do not hold my interest as well as a Fuente Sungrown or...
  7. Davey

    Pipe Boards vs. Cigar Boards

    Mark said it well. (and I be one of 'dem cigar smokas'). In the past 15 years of cigar smoking I have noticed one general trend that seems to be unioversal throughout and that is that whatever personality type leans one toward the cigar is a bit different than that of the pipe. I think(...
  8. Davey

    Hello and Blessed New Year

    Have layed low for a few months guys, sorry have not been around to much( though I have lurked). Want to say hello and be safe, I herfed w/ you all in spirit on NEW Year's Eve. See you guys boardside. Davey
  9. Davey

    'ello gents

    Welcome indeed! (Beat cha' for once Mark ;) Davey
  10. Davey

    Where to buy cigars?

    You can also check out osme of the auction sites online. CI Bid is a quality one. Davey
  11. Davey

    Happy Independence Day!

    May we not forget what was always meant to remind us of!!! Be safe guys. Davey
  12. Davey

    Illusione Holy Lancero

    Sounds reaaallll nice. Never had one. Might have to give it a try :) Davey
  13. Davey

    A New guy

    well I seem to always follow Mark, so it's my turn now to say... Welcome!! Davey
  14. Davey

    Hi Y'all

    Welcome, welcome, Ron!!
  15. Davey

    What are you smoking?

    Hey gang. Irish Oak here in a Pete 150s. Jury is still out on this.
  16. Davey

    The Enlightened One :) :)

    Yes Tony. Happy indeed!!!
  17. Davey

    List of favorites?

    I prefer the VSG over the Heritage as well. Looking to try their newest line.
  18. Davey


    good afternoon gentlemen( meself excluded of course ;) Yes in my area it is the entire east coast from main to Georgia nd a bit out to the midwest..a big area with alot of good pipers. I compete mostly as a guage to see how I am progressing. When a professional piper judges you and says...
  19. Davey


    Anyone here a piper? I play the pipes about 5 yrs now. More addicted to this than even chess I suppose ( maybe the I started my solo competition circuit last month. I have my next one in Jersey next weekend. Davey the Loud
  20. Davey


    I used to love writing short stories. I wrote a one page piece recentluy for my brothers who complained I have not written in years ( time constraints have hung up my spurs, so to speak) A pararaph is almost always forming in my head on any given day...and then it is gone. :lol: