As a serious cigar smoker/collector from 2002 through 2007, I participated at a couple of cigar boards, principally Cigar Family. I posted only about cigars and ignored all the flame wars. When I changed over to the pipe, I looked at numerous pipe boards before joining this one.
The biggest difference I've noticed between cigar and pipe boards is the nearly universal civility of pipe posters as opposed to the endless flames, slams and insults of many of the cigar posters.
Why do you think that is? My theory is that the pipe attracts a more relaxed, reflective type of person.
The biggest difference I've noticed between cigar and pipe boards is the nearly universal civility of pipe posters as opposed to the endless flames, slams and insults of many of the cigar posters.
Why do you think that is? My theory is that the pipe attracts a more relaxed, reflective type of person.