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Brothers of Briar

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  1. Gusto

    My morning walk

    Duck eggs size and taste are comparable to turkey eggs. I find opening the shells easiest using quick blows with a sharp knife to cut the harder shell and tougher inner membrane. Both have more flavor than chicken eggs and more satisfying due to their larger size.
  2. Gusto

    I want to hear more more put downs of corncob pipes

    A quick look at my racks shows roughly 1/3 cobs, 1/3 meers and 1/3 briars. I find the cylinder bore of a cob an advantage for stuffing a folded flake.
  3. Gusto

    Anyone ever used a food processor on their tobacco?

    Yes, since I am a barbarian, a few pulses, working with a small portion at a time, have helped when jarring the dry and pressed crop for aging.
  4. Gusto

    What music do you listen to keep the black dog away?(Depression)

    For music I play trombone (I can hear low tones, quit flute cause I couldn't hear those high tones). What can be depressing is my lack of improvement. The trombone just isn't as quick as the flute, but I keep at it.
  5. Gusto

    Cutting a pipe bowl?

    I've sanded a few pipes down to reduce size or repair a burnt rim and even to discover the extent of a massive fill. Sanding offers more control than sawing or carving with my fumble fingers.
  6. Gusto

    Changes for the Better

    Your pipe racks really appeal to me for several reasons. Efficient use of space, look easy to access, very stylish and functional. I only have 7 racks but only 2 are wall mounts and all bowl down style (clumsy at times especially with my bents and my longer pipes.) Bowl up is fine for a sweet...
  7. Gusto


    You made me recall childhood memories of "elixir of terpin hydrate." Fear of the taste of another teaspoonful was enough to make me hold my breath rather than cough. My wife thought the Paxlovid Rx caused the bad taste in her throat while I thought it was part of the curse of Covid. Wishing you...
  8. Gusto

    Hello guys,

    Glad you are here arich53. You have a few more years of experience than I. I look forward to learning from you.
  9. Gusto

    Chewing tobacco twists fir smoking

    Speaking of American Chewing Twists: I like Cotton Boll for the pipe, Mammoth Cave was suggested to me for the pipe but I found it better as a chew. Tried Kentucky Twist and didn't care for it either way.
  10. Gusto

    What are they putting in C&D tobacco?

    Gosh, that is strange - you can pick out the individual characteristics of the different blends though the over-riding wet gray dog. That coming though an unlit pipe as well makes me suspect some penetrating contaminant spilled on the shipment or ??? I am overwhelmed by possible explanations...
  11. Gusto

    What are they putting in C&D tobacco?

    I am intrigued. Would you please name the 12 blends you mention? I have my own experience with C&D and have generally found the various descriptions I've read different from what I would say. Even when sharing a specific C&D product with another piper we would have different tasting notes to...
  12. Gusto

    A New Sister of the Briar?

    Howdy and a Rich Welcome from the Comstock Lode to another Silver State piper.
  13. Gusto

    How high is too high?

    How is your new Pete smoking for you? I recall a gift pipe I received with a high drilling. I tried a neutral burley cube as a filler to raise the bottom under my usual packing. Maybe worth a try. I recall inserting a metal tube through the draft, it was a bent pipe, to lower the draw...
  14. Gusto

    New member from Washington state

    Welcome and good luck. Without knowing what you're going to like it is difficult to come up with a care package. Seems folks naturally will recommend what they like themselves. If your about Yakima look into Lil' Brown Smoke Shack. Even if you can't buy online while living in Washington you...
  15. Gusto

    What Are Your Top Ten Tobaccos?

    Thank you Pipe 'n Prof for reminding me to open an 8 oz tin of Haddo's from Jan 2007.
  16. Gusto

    Physical Therapy ... Freaking AMAZING!!!

    I had heard of "piriformis syndrome" a long time ago. When I had it myself I thought is was my sacroiliac joint slipping per my chiropractor. Fortunately my wife's physical therapist helped me out with simple piriformis stretching exercise and I am a young (for my age) human again!
  17. Gusto

    Any WORDLE fans here?

    Wordle would be more phun for me if I culd spel. I hav to play with a dikshunairy. At leist my tiping is lejibal.
  18. Gusto

    Aging Va/pers

    I would answer yes with the caveat they are stored properly. I've had luck with cool "even" temperatures, not freezing, not in direct sunlight. In my experience vacuum sealing stops the aging process. I recall some talk about heating tins in hot cars and so forth but I consider that abusing...
  19. Gusto

    In the move again

    Stock up while you can!
  20. Gusto

    I Finally Found My Way Back

    Amen Bro. And I can relate to less than cromulent health.