I came down with it Thursday. Is there a puke 'n sh*t emogie?? I'm finally feeling a bit better this evening. Haven't smoked my pipes since I came down with this crud.
Yep, that's what I looked like! Although, I do feel better this morning. I managed to eat a scrambled egg sandwich for breakfast, and it stayed down!BloodWood":may1d9ml said:"This flu season is the longest in a decade" - CDC
Sounds like you caught the second wave.
Lots of rest and liquids.
Hang in there.
Thank you. I'll tell you one thing that is a godsend: hot showers. I could live in the shower, and then I want to go take a nap like a rock. I go from feeling 40% normal to 90% normal. I wish we had saunas like the Finns.Hope you get better Zeno. Glad I'm still avoiding crowds, shopping early in the mornings and just trying to avoid situations with people. A miracle I have not gotten it with the people I work with.