2010 TAPS Show Was a Great Success!!! (Photos)

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Dec 17, 2007
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The TAPS Show is in the bag and it turned out to be one of the best shows to date! The venue at the new fairgrounds facility was incredible and the turn out went way beyond our expectations!!!

The BoB was very well represented and it was just awesome to see and get to hang out with so many of the brothers. I apologize for not getting everyone in the photos (some by choice) but I did manage to get a few.

There were the usual suspects and a lot of new folks as well. I will let the photos speak for themselves.

Ol'Dawg (Jim), TallSmoke (Joe), Justpipes (me), Alfredo Buscatti (Mike) and Adauria (Andrew).

We didn't get aaronbtxnc (Aaron) in the group photo but here he is below working a sell at his table.

Lawdog (Robert Lawing) was working hard!

I regret that I didn't get a photo of FTRPLT (Byron) but he is going to be in town long enough to attend the TAPS Meeting Tuesday, and one way or another I will get a photo of him to add, that is if his wife doesn't beat him up too bad over the 100 lbs. of tobacco he bought at the show! :lol: :lol: :lol: BronxBill (Bill) Was also in attendance but regretfully I didn't get a photo of him, but that was probably because he was so excited about his new Brissett that he ran out the door too quicly to smoke it! :lol: I'll get him at the TAPS meeting too if he shows up!

Ol'Dawg working the table!

Walnut sampling station.

Another conversion!

For the sake of space and time I have thumbnailed the rest of the photos that include SmokingPipes.com, Lawdog's Pipes, Pipe & Pint, McCrainies, James Island Piper (Don Seatter), The "Charatan Man", Steve Monjure, Bob Hayes and many others that were too many for me to keep up with. There was an awesome collection of pipes from the lowest to the very highest grades and a huge amount of tobacco offerings!
Cool. Looks like a good turn out. Thanks for sharing the photos! :cheers:
in the one pic with all the red ribbon stacked high, what is the middle blend?
Carlos":41xi1lpd said:
So who had the old tins? Those look like possibly Laurel Flake or MacCraigan's Flake.
I believe the ones that you are asking about were on SmokingPipes' table.
Always interesting to have these reports from pipe & baccy shows. Thanks Mark :D
Looks like a great time, Mark! Your hard work is good for pipemen everywhere--thanks for it.

Wish I could've made it down.
Man...oh man....how I would've liked to be there and see that show. Seems like it was a great success.
Great photos,I will see some of you boys this fall at the Richmond Show.

Winslow :sunny:
I had a great time. The new venue was terrific, covered porch with tables and benches for smoking; plenty of display space. In spite of my best intentions, I bought another pipe; a Mike Brissett volcano, I am soooo weak. I'll try to upload pictures later.

It was nice to meet so many of the BOB members; it's always good to put a face to a name.
It was a great show. The only pipes that were screaming my name were out of my price range for now, so I held it together and just picked up a few tins of tobacco from C&D. I did enjoy seeing the BoBer's that were there. Always a pleasure, gents.

I then went to see my buddy Jim who tied me up a bunch of April flies for the trout streams around the mountain house. I'm heading up there now. See you boys in a few days!

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