5th pipe , 1st stem cut from rod.

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Jun 12, 2011
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Fifth pipe. Got a pipe kit from Tinsky with a blank 1" lucite rod he drilled for me, first time I have cut a stem from a blank. Got it to about 220 grit right not, I would be gratefull for any advice to tell me what I may need to change before I get too high on the sanding grades . :D

Thanks brothers!
Oh and the marks on the paper are half inch for the small ones and inch between the large ones
i could be totally wrong. I am not a pipe making expert by any means. but I think the taper to the button should start earlier then what you have. I only say this cause I have run into this problem on some that I have made. and it makes for an uncomfortable smoke.

I think the pipe looks awesome thought very sleek and proportionate.

if it were my pipe I was making I think at this point I would sand and file by hand.

I need better files lol . It t
ook forever to cut into the acrylic may star in a more gradual taper tonight in it.
Ian, great shape on the pipe. I like the shape of the stummel and stem. I can't give any advice as i have never carved a pipe. However, you do have a great start there. Just remember, you can always remove more wood, but it is kinda hard to put it back  :geek: 

That is a good looking pipe!

My only comment is to make the taper in the stem a straight line instead of a curve.

Hard to do, but well worth the effort.

Finished her up. Need to do a final buff and wax to get her shinning like a diamond , but lowes didn't have buffing wheels and the attendant I asked didn't know what a buffing wheel is. *facepalm All they had in sandpaper was up to 600 and I'd need alot higher to get her to really shine. Tried dremel but they didn't have compound for the buffing wheels just the buffing wheels.

Going to try autozone when I get a chance and maybe get super high grit sandpaper and do it by hand since I can't readily get compound and wheels for my bench grinder.



i.keenum":zi1y9lrj said:
Finished her up. Need to do a final buff and wax to get her shinning like a diamond , but lowes didn't have buffing wheels and the attendant I asked didn't know what a buffing wheel is. *facepalm All they had in sandpaper was up to 600 and I'd need alot higher to get her to really shine. Tried dremel but they didn't have compound for the buffing wheels just the buffing wheels.

Going to try autozone when I get a chance and maybe get super high grit sandpaper and do it by hand since I can't readily get compound and wheels for my bench grinder.



Can't wait to see the finished pipe sir!
Good thing they didn't have compound cause a Dremel is waaaaaay too fast and will burn and actually melt the stem if you had tried. No faster then 1700rpm with 6" wheels is where you want to be. An old washer or dryer motor works well and can be found cheap at sales and such. ;)
Oh! and some 3M liquid rubbing compound will polish it up pretty good with some elbow grease if you get it sanded out to about 1000 grit.
Oh! Again, you find the buffing wheels and rouge at Caswell's online for a good price.
Ya the dremel is a pain, I have one that is variable speed and will go slow enough where you can count the rotations by eye so I can do it enough not to burn it but I tried it and knocked the hard part of the dremel chuck against the finished pipe and had to resand the spots, so I gave up on that after a few cursing spells. :evil: 
Ian, that's a good looking pipe you got going there. Can't wait to see the end result.


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