A class act is gone

Brothers of Briar

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I've been following Paul for years. He'll be missed by me and many others.
Make sure to say a prayer for him, he provided some real good stuff to the world.
Not sure what's going to happen to his channel. Any new content won't be the same without his sage advice and depth of knowledge, experience, sense of humor, and character. For my part, I'd be happy if they just preserved the wealth of content he created. It's an invaluable resource for anyone who is interested in the informed, responsible use of firearms.
I saw those video's popping up all over the shooting forums. I missed knowing about him somehow. Sad to see him gone from what I have learned about him.
Hey Carlos! Long time no see, bro'.

I first heard about Paul Harrell from pb, over on Fraternex. He'd always post a link to any new Paul H video whenever it dropped. Paul had great setup for testing real-world performance. A couple of layers of denim, some pork ribs, a bunch of grapefruit to simulate lung tissue, then more pork ribs on the back side, plus his "high-tech fleece backstop" to catch the bullet for later examination if it over-penetrated. He had this really dry sense of humor. Helluva great guy. Check out his YouTube channel. Some really good stuff.
