A friendly REMINDER from the Mod Team..

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Dec 10, 2007
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Gents,, let me begin by stating while I'm pointing a finger out I have 3 pointing back...
I'm guilty too...

If you read our hosts rules you will see that open sexually vulgar comments, cursing, etc are prohibited and will result of closing the violating forums account if allowed...

J, Pdiddy, Carlos, Doc M, and myself can't monitor the board 24/7... We need your help!

Please, and I am asking please, keep the bad stuff in the Rubber Room... Quit acting like me and actually think before you post ( lol ) and if you spot something that might be over the line inform us... Even if it was one of us that posted it...

Before you start trashin on old PB I'd like to remind you that the Rubber Room was my baby.. I personally (and I think I speak for most of the other mods) don't care what you post there... BUT.. We can't jeapordize all of BoB for a cheap laugh anymore..

Littlest Chief high Muckity muck.
sorry pb! will be more mindful in the future...
I'll make one exception to what PB just wrote about the rubber room, no porn. OK, two exceptions, no threats or verbal violence. Wait, three exceptions, no derogatory racial or sexual attacks. No, wait....... :lol:

Look, here's the basics. The forum service provider, not us, the big ol corporate dudes who actually own the company that hosts these forum boards that we use, have rules governing decency. If we ignore them, they shut us down. So, all public forums (everywhere but the rubber room) require gentlemanly behavior in your use of speech. Simply, remember that your third grade teacher Miss Frump is within hearing range. The Rubber Room is not public because you have to sign up, and if you don't like it because it contains politics and other off color topics, you can choose to not even see it by not subscribing or by unsubscribing, so those who may be offended are not subjected to viewing it simply by logging in and hitting the "New Topics" button. Still, we have limits there too, so even though we are discussing growed up-off color-not politically correct stuff, we still have to be decent in our discussions. The occasional swear word or off color gesture won't get you in hot water, but putting up pics of indecent imagery or continued blatantly indecent activity will still cause us to have to take some sort of action, as the Rubber Room is not a get out of jail free card. The service hosts still require us to maintain decency. That said, no more specific anatomical references to female parts, no 'strokin it' comments, no references to the Kraaken in your trousers.

Damn. Now that I've said that I've got to go write myself a warning :lol:
Ok Gents, and Moderators!
I speak for myself here only. BoB is an integral part of my life. I have good friends here, no wait, I have best friends here!
I did think late last night that we may have been getting out of hand!!!!
.....I must say it has been bugging me somewhat.
Guilty as charged!!!! and ...... my deepest apologies. I would never intentionally be out to harm, insult or cause any upset here.
This place as you may have noticed is my second home!
I do understand that at times I do first and think later, sorry about that!

I will accept that this thread was posted Referring to me in a subtle and gentlemanly way. For that gents I am grateful!

BoB you are saluted!!!

Please visit the RR for my further comment!!
Again apologies for any offense caused!

Piet Binsbergen":1n80ci7k said:
I will accept that this thread was posted Referring to me in a subtle and gentlemanly way.
wasn't just you piet! a lot of us jumped in on it...i can have a one tract mind sometimes. :D
We're all guilty from time to time of going a wee bit too far, no biggie. Threads were moved to the RR, a couple posts in a thread removed so it wouldn't have to go to the RR (no offense intended to the poster, but it made more sense in reading the entire thread). This reminder has to happen every now and then, not directed at one or two guys but at a building theme that pops up from time to time.

No worries guys, just be mindful.
bruins":vl518dkh said:
Piet Binsbergen":vl518dkh said:
I will accept that this thread was posted Referring to me in a subtle and gentlemanly way.
wasn't just you piet! a lot of us jumped in on it...i can have a one tract mind sometimes. :D
Yep... I too was rowing that boat just as hard as anyone. I've got to admit that I have a bad habit of getting "caught up" in the "fun" of it all! And, I apologize for any comments that I made that were inappropriate!

I was just starting to figure out what all the jokes were about!
Yeah, I know, I'm kind of slow like that... :lol:
An untoward thought, but that can't be helped : One invariable aspect of conquest is sexual repression.

Stalin's Soviet Union and Mao's China come to mind. Humorless, joyless places where anything "suggestive" (suggesting that sexuality might be anything other that something "dirty" and shameful, never mentioned by "decent people") was severely condemned.

Closer to home, notice that when English culture was hijacked by Cromwell & Co., the sheer delight in sexuality the Elizabethan theatre was so notable for disappeared (along with the theatre itself -- an inexcusable frivolity unworthy of serious citizens of the Commonwealth), never to reappear. (Restoration smutty humor and Elizabethan good-natured sexual joviality were not equivalents).

Healthy laughter purges the soul.

Repression and pornography go hand-in-hand : each calling the other into existence. The Victorian 19th Century was the golden age of prostitution in both England and the USA.

IMHO, soulless porn and humorless puritans are equally objectionable. Both are symptoms of a spiritual malaise we have yet to recognise -- let alone oppose.

My irrelevant dos centavos' worth.

Yak":80aco9oi said:
Shakespear himself wouldn't stand much of a chance :
'The plays are absolutely packed with filth,' said academic Héloïse Sénéchal. 'I've found more than a hundred terms for vagina alone . . . [T]he majority of his audience were labourers, craftsmen, ordinary people being catered for in a popular way. They were as smutty-minded then as we are now.'

yak, i think you're saying our banter was purely shakesperain in it's genius. i'll accept that. no worries, we got plenty more...we'll just keep it to the rubber room.
Yak.. It really doesn't matter what WE think....
Until we find a way to take our content (right now impossible without flushing everythread from day one on) off of Forumotions Hosting Servers WE WILL attempt to abide by their rules as best we can....

In the early days of BoB we were glad to have a hopme after Knox pulled our feet from under us.... I don't think any one thought it would become what it has... If we had we may have approached it from a different angle...

(Borrowing from Pdiddy a bit here)
In my opinion, no offense to other pipe boards, their are three pipeboard leaders.. Each with their own style.. GF with its anything goes, if you don't get cussed you probably didn't post... SF with its continuation of Melvenomics where something as simple as saying "I disagree its red virginia not orange virginia" will get you banned.. And BoB where the members police theirself, seldom get 'modded' (and over react when they do) and in general act like they are face to face at a bar or coffee shop....m. I'll take option three anyday.. I don't need to go to grade school or reform school..
I love ya man.. I do.. But I gotta say it.. If you think BoB is repressive there are other pipe boards... Don't overanalyse that.. Just take it for what it is... Your home, you know your home, but you knee jerk hard over the least amount of moderating.
puros_bran":0mfjliw9 said:
and in general act like they are face to face at a bar or coffee shop....
well put. that's exactly how it feels. now someone get me a beer! :D
bruins":8bq7g8mi said:
puros_bran":8bq7g8mi said:
and in general act like they are face to face at a bar or coffee shop....
well put. that's exactly how it feels. now someone get me a beer! :D
I gotcha Bru! Just passing the Greencastle exit on 70E, I'll toss a couple out the window! :lol:
Nitschke066":q6l9zwib said:
bruins":q6l9zwib said:
puros_bran":q6l9zwib said:
and in general act like they are face to face at a bar or coffee shop....
well put. that's exactly how it feels. now someone get me a beer! :D
I gotcha Bru! Just passing the Greencastle exit on 70E, I'll toss a couple out the window! :lol:
i'm waving at you nitschke. i got you a table at moores bar. :D

Handsome Dynamite":9xwkigp2 said:
My bad, I'll keep that in mind in the future.
darn right it's your bad, HD and this is the last time we're going to take the fall for you! now shape up! (psst...meet us in the rubber room later. piet brought a cheese ball!) :D
bruins":bnnrbc33 said:
Nitschke066":bnnrbc33 said:
bruins":bnnrbc33 said:
puros_bran":bnnrbc33 said:
and in general act like they are face to face at a bar or coffee shop....
well put. that's exactly how it feels. now someone get me a beer! :D
I gotcha Bru! Just passing the Greencastle exit on 70E, I'll toss a couple out the window! :lol:
i'm waving at you nitschke. i got you a table at moores bar. :D
[Sigh!! Another perfect example of saying something that's nothing when nothing is required. How did the man put it? Blah blah blah blah blah!. Do people not realize that posting nonsense for the sake of posting nonsense (1) makes people not take you seriously when you want to be taken seriously, and (2) encourages more nonsense that ends up with mods asking you to shut the hell up?

Pipe board, intelligent conversation on other subjects welcome. Like Blah blah? Try Facebook or Twitter.
oh, i don't have time for twitter. the BoB keeps me way too busy. :D
I'm just proud that the critisizm wasn't direct toward me....ALL the rest of yiz should be ashamed :lol!:
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