Thanks all - I am back from three services, etc. It has been one of those days, but next Sunday will be better.
I appreciate all kind sentiments and prayers.
There have been some comments about smoking, and here is what I have discovered. Loading and lighting is not much o0f a challenge. It is a basic modified "geezer grab and stuff." You just do it with one hand and knees. I have not gotten into any flakes yet, but they would get folded and stuffed. Lighters work ok in in the left hand.
The challenge is cleaning. Just as an exercise, you might want to try dissembling and using pipe cleaners with one hand. It is harder than it looks - for me anyway. Threaded stem pipes are easy peasy. You can unthread, run a pipe cleaner into the bit (but not trough with one hand on mine). Wipe it all off with a kleenex and the other end of the cleaner goes into the shank.
It looks like my threaded stem Kaywoodies and my Westbrook Grabow will be getting a lot of use for a bit...