A Noobie's Cellar

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Dec 11, 2007
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This should get some laugh. Remember I'm new! :oops:

G.L Pease- Barbary Coast 2oz.
McClelland Black Wood s Flake 2 oz.
McClelland St. James Woods 2 oz.
Full Virginia Flake 2 oz.
Haunted Book Shop 1 oz.

Now for the good stuff:

Tobacco Galleria- Montego Bay, Night CAp, Blue Note and Midnight Smoke.


Sad but true.

I guess a person has to start somewhere...right!

I do have some samplers I recieved from 2 great brother of the brair! Thanks guys.

Not a bad start. Rome wasn't built in a day. You will be amazed how quickly the cellar will grow with regular purchases. :cheers:
I started with much less than you Lucky! The secret is to buy at least one tin a week to cellar away with NO intentions of opening for a predetemined peiod of time.My personal goal is to be able to exclusively smoke tobaccos that are a minimum of 10 years old within the next five years.Most of my cellar dates from 2003-2004 :lol:

mdmiller5":tsga6r8t said:
Hey Lucky, it beats what I started out with for my cellar for years. Six ounces of Lane 1Q. You have some nice blends there to start out with.
That was me about 18 months ago as well.
You're doing great. I started out with some blends that would have made Lucretzia Borgia proud and a couple basket pipes... my tastes have dramatically changed over the last couple years!
Lucky, there's nothing wrong at all with a small cellar to start. You will be surprised at how fast it will grow once you find a few tobaccos that you really enjoy.
I started with one Dr Grabow pipe and two pouches of Borkum Riff

Dont worry about a cellaring just enjoy what you smoke storage will come in time
Belive me yes it will
it does grow lol ask anyone here
Congratulations Lucky...you have a much better cellar than I had when I was a "Noobie". (Back when dinosaurs roamed the Earth.)

In addition to Dock's "One tin per week rule", I'll add my personal rule: Never buy one tin of anything. Buy two, and put one away.

Best of luck!
You are starting off just fine!! It will build up faster than you think. I was lucky when I first started. I had a lot more money and spent a lot of it on pipes and a heck of a lot on tobacco. I did start to run out when I got sick but friends took care of that a few years ago. If the bills and the house and the wife are taken care of I spend whats left on pipe tobacco :cyclops: :bounce: :sunny: :sunny: (and the trike)

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