A poem

Brothers of Briar

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Excellent work full of feeling, introspection, and the bond of man, pipe, and the primal stream of life. I really like it and will copy it into my Tobacco Journal! Please share others you feel comfortable letting the Brothers enjoy!

Thank you Regulus, I'm really glad you enjoyed it, kinda helps me out knowing people are reading my poems, like they get the hurt in some way lol as bad as that sounds, will post more soon when I have something decent, as long as people aren't getting sick of them. All the best brothers, PipedJimmy
Look at me! A Libertine! A lover of open air! Countenance rife with merriment, alive without a care! My joy it seems so boundless and my heart it feels so light, morsels must be savoured slowly, when passing in the night. My hat is ported jauntily and my tie is worn askew, as if nothing did mean more to me than living lax in lieu.
I pass my minutes merrily just gazing upon a horse and wonder what its road might be, what lies upon its course, I stop beside an inn, an inn I stop beside, I remove my hat with pleasure as I venture on inside and order drinks so heartily that people say ‘hello’ how commodible happiness is, on who’s hearts are set so low, and so I give like charity and feed the frightened poor, before placing my cap back hastily and heading toward the door, for merriment is marred you see by broken darkened dens and the cockerel is only one you see, amongst so many hens.
I love it!
I recently had a great weekend with friends I rarely see, and it felt great to be with lively folk. Music, food, friends and drink, and this brings it all back, thank you!
You're very, very welcome brother : ) sorry it's taken me time to reply, I've been a little ill recently, long live the good times though eh? ;)
PipedJimmy":r7vxwcsl said:
You're very, very welcome brother : ) sorry it's taken me time to reply, I've been a little ill recently, long live the good times though eh? ;)
Sorry to hear that you've been ill. I have been sick for about two months now, and it's been one long miserable episode. Getting out of the house for the weekend and playing some music really helped. Hope you're feeling better soon.
PipedJimmy":j3ia62i0 said:
You too brother, whatever it is you've got, I hope it passes quickly
Just a rough cold and flu season. I shouldn't complain though, at least it's warm here. I've been through one English winter (years ago) and I don't think I'd fare too well...
Thanks for the good cheer, I really appreciate it!
Hmm this on's a little darker....

You say you love me still…but your lips they hide a lie, for there's a trembling in my heart that no false words can belie.
I stand here legs quivering, almost on bended knee, my body ready for breaking, no belief can set it free. I feel that sense of choking, as breath tightens in my chest, that if my heart gives up in hoping, there is no life left for the rest
I beg you now, I mean it, do not let this truth turn real! but ever hide it in your mind, place it under guarded seal, and I'll just keep pretending, just like the happy fool, blinded to what the truth is, for verity’s what’s cruel.
You feel so sorry for me, you’re so sorry it can’t be me, all these words I read as your lips speak as they move untruthfully. You sensed my love and took it, though I was still unsure, and now you look upon me like a child you can't ignore, a loathsome little creature with no light left in its life, it would be more merciful wouldn’t it to brandish symbolic knife.
I've picked up your taste for loathing and I’ve clutched it to my breast, for if you hate me truly I'll come in a second-best ,but I'm lying now you see it, as I do sink on bended knee, I beg you please, I beg you, don't ever set me free
Ah, darkness! Beautiful and painful. I won't ask if real life informed this one, but it's good to see another one from you, thank you!
Lol I'm happy to say it's half and half, some of the emotions felt real enough when writing it, hate that feeling, but hey never mind. Cheers brother, needs a bit of work on it I suppose but glad if you liked it!
1. I stand here a soldier, alone amongst my friends, trembling heads about me, all dreaming of their ends, a goal before was mentioned of taking that black hill, and the end of digging your flag in if you find you're standing still. My courage burns inside me as it fights the tremors back, a bloodthirsty scream erupts from my mouth as the sergeant roars 'Attack!'

2. Oh Master of the Admiralty, let your good ships go, head only for the shore now, end this moving to and fro. Declare your amicable intentions unto the solid ground, and try not to let your heart sink when a homestead you have found.
Your freedom taken from you? The end of liberty? How uncharitable the land is when compared to the endless sea. No white waves here are foaming, with destruction on their minds, nor is the sacred truth is believed in, that providence is blind.
A man's sacred dominion, finds root in just one place, what then could I offer you? for that warmth you can't replace?
Freedom is illusory whether water born or founded, and time’s passing ceaselessly, leaves every man dumbfounded. So cast of your armour now and join the common man, those souls who have been suffering, since time's cruel reign began. You showed us by example just what a man may be, but you fooled even yourself, with your false sagacity.
Love, the heart aches, the mind bleeds, the eyes swell and one's hopes and aspirations swell to the size of stanley's great spear. My tender heart beats with fervent longing to live that life sardonic authors describe with scorn and to embody those roles old men have written of, from fond memories of being their younger selves. An overwhelming blotch of red, inescapable and all encircling, my mind would reel from joyousness, I would give my right arm, if she would love me without the sight of it
PipedJimmy":fiw1u751 said:
...embody those roles old men have written of, from fond memories of being their younger selves.
I like this, and I really like the line above. Emotions are so intense when felt in youth.
PipedJimmy":jpk9oeqf said:
Hmm this on's a little darker....

You say you love me still…but your lips they hide a lie, for there's a trembling in my heart that no false words can belie.
I stand here legs quivering, almost on bended knee, my body ready for breaking, no belief can set it free. I feel that sense of choking, as breath tightens in my chest, that if my heart gives up in hoping, there is no life left for the rest
I beg you now, I mean it, do not let this truth turn real! but ever hide it in your mind, place it under guarded seal, and I'll just keep pretending, just like the happy fool, blinded to what the truth is, for verity’s what’s cruel.
You feel so sorry for me, you’re so sorry it can’t be me, all these words I read as your lips speak as they move untruthfully. You sensed my love and took it, though I was still unsure, and now you look upon me like a child you can't ignore, a loathsome little creature with no light left in its life, it would be more merciful wouldn’t it to brandish symbolic knife.
I've picked up your taste for loathing and I’ve clutched it to my breast, for if you hate me truly I'll come in a second-best ,but I'm lying now you see it, as I do sink on bended knee, I beg you please, I beg you, don't ever set me free

Good though! Thanks!! :cheers: :cheers:
You're welcome Harlock, I hope you enjoy reading 'em, indeed emotions do feel very strong when felt in youth, I have no hesitation in saying I felt them significantly thought this one was a little better than the last two, need to hone my skills more!

And MisterE lol yeah, that one was a bastard to write, I don't think it's very good, but it hurt a bit, I appreciate the empathy : )
You mock me little twinkle and have done since my birth, as I gaze up at you in wonder, from my home upon the hearth. You promised oh so much to me in by-gone days of yore, when I spent the hours so merrily, when just sat upon the floor. Listening with wild rapture to those tales that are always told, by those fervent life-school teachers who are shamelessly so bold, “Nothing is impossible!”, “Just wish, and it will be done!” - I sit here now asunder, just fragmented from the one. You cast bright light, hope to me, when I bedecked in blue did crawl, as a man I stare in wonder, at that black, entombing shawl. Shine, and you surrounded, will always treasure be, whilst I here just another, in this dark and lonely sea.
Death grasped me by the shoulder, with a grip felt cool yet firm, I can't deny I was tempted by those comforts of his terms; no more of black to deal with, save that heavy bed above, no more impassioned duellings, with that painfully elusive love, no more late night wonderings, mind turning from side to side, no more of standing strong, alone! and fighting against the tide, no more - 'boy, please tell me, tell me truly do, what could I do for you dear son, to make things dear to you?' - Just leave me here forgotten, as one not brave enough, one of those unsavable! Just made from feeble stuff and I alone shall journey, a sheathed skeleton by my side, beyond those joyless boundaries, that keep me in my mind, all this I seemed to say, as my eyes they lingered dead, though in surprise to that sunken face, I coolly shook my head.
PipedJimmy":ku4h0rex said:
Death grasped me by the shoulder, with a grip felt cool yet firm, I can't deny I was tempted by those comforts of his terms... though in surprise to that sunken face, I coolly shook my head.
:study: Hey Jimmy, more great stuff! Do you plan on writing a book, or putting a collection together, or maybe you've already done so?
Anyway, glad to see you survived the riots...

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