A Real Nin-com-poop! : )

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2007
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Yesterday I offered a 2 oz tin of Bohemian Scandal here, on ASP and on Smoker's Forums. I priced it pretty high at $110.00 but that's keeping in line with what similar tins have sold for on e-bay lately. It lasted for two hours til it sold. The fella who bought it is an old friend of mine. BS is his all time favorite tobacco and he was down to his very last tin of it. He was psyched to be getting it and looks forward to smoking it.

Over on Smoker's Forums I received a comment from some ramrod scolding my high price. His words to me were: "does it come with a gold ring, c'mon man".

This was my response to him:

I'm sorry sir. What was the "come on man" comment for? If you look on e-bay you'll see that the last two tins sold during the last couple of months went for around $100.00 ea! Believe it or not that's the current market price for a 2 ozer. Do I need to expain the philosophies of suppy and demand now? Like any item on the free market,a sealed tin is worth what someone is willing to pay for it. I sold this tin for $110.00 and I included shipping as it went to a friend. I have two other tins of B.S. which will also go for around that same amount. I personally don't care for the blend. I find it harsh and rather flat but lottsa other folks love it. God bless them if they're willing to pay over a hundred dollars for a tin of it.

A new Lars Iarsson pipe sold on smokingpipes.com last week for $5,500.00. Too much for me but someone sure bought it. I sure as hell didn't say shame on the seller! People pay big bucks for rare items. My tin was no exception. If you think it's too much just don't buy it, but bashing the seller is just kinda lame and makes you look like you don't know what you're talking about....

The bottom line is, you may NOT like the soaring prices on rare tobaccos, but keep in mind that prices are high for a reason. There won't be any more of it made EVER! As long as the market thinks that a tin of B.S. is worth a hundred bucks than tins of it will sell for that price!

Dock J.Perry
You nailed it, Dock. You exchanged a $110 tin for $110 dollars; if nobody had bought it, you'd still have the same value on the balance.

"Commodity" comes from the Latin "commod-", which means both "adaptable" and "appropriate / fitting." The buyers adapt the price to the appropriate value because they can do without if the price is too dear.
Let's say that MacBaren's Navy Flake (my go to blend) was no longer available for some reason and it was in very limited supply on the secondary market. I would certainly pay $100.00 for a tin that you can bet would immediately be smoked up. I personally wouldn't pay that sort of cash for any english blend as it's just not what I'm into now.
Good for you Dock. :cheers: No one forced him to buy or bid on it. I wonder if he contacts everyone :affraid: on Ebay who he thinks has too high of a price. If he does, I have a list for him to contact. :lol!:

You rendered a very good response to the fellow on SF. Good for you!
In a free market society, it would seem pretty obvious that demand drives the prices. With that said, I liked your response to the "nin-com-poop." To my knowledge, I have never hand written nor typed this word before -- nin-com-poop. My grandfather used to use this term quite liberally, but I have not heard it since my youth! Nice word choice, both in the response and the tag-line!

If you are not able to sell those remaining tins of BS at the same price. You should appeal to the Federal Government for a bail out application. :)
Justpipes":iz90dckd said:

If you are not able to sell those remaining tins of BS at the same price. You should appeal to the Federal Government for a bail out application. :)
I love it Duke! Perhaps I'll fly my private jet into Washington so they can hear my sales pitch? :lol: Afterall, it's not a gift. It's a loan!

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