A tribute to JUSTPIPES!

Brothers of Briar

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greetings Brothers!

Today I pay tribute to one BOB's most upstanding citizen, JUSTPIPES.. (even if he smokes Compost or as Ken calls it WALMUT)
Is it not strange that good friendships may be forged over a leaf. Last Year Muddler introduced me to Walnut. Since then I have been hooked irrespective of how some of you may feel about it. Justpipes and I have forged a friendship over our common passion for it.

Today in the mail, by surprise a package arrived from him containing all sorts of baccy marked "Mark's Favorites" in 50g ziplocs.
This is what he sent!

1. 50g Carter Hall
2. 50g C&D Barrister
3. 50g GLP Cumberland (marked 04/05/05..... amazing!)
4. 50g Sir Walter Raleigh
5. 50g. Prince Albert
6. 1 tin 57g. C&D Exhausted Rooster
7.............. and of course 1 tub of...... yes WALNUT!

Justpipes my friend, the Brothers deserve to know what a kind and giving person you are. The Brothers of Briar Salute you!
My life and those of others on this forum have been enriched for knowing you! I do not say this because I scored some Leaf either, I mention this because I consider you a true friend and one of the first guys along with PegLegEd to make me feel welcome here!

Justpipes pulled off the impossible. He did not tell me that he was sending me anything, just asked for my postal addy as I may hook up with his son here in South Africa soon. Posting baccy to RSA is 'illegal' since August last year. this makes his package even more precious. We are still getting baccy through customs by labeling it "cooking spice" or "hobby supplies". Thankfully no one we know of has been bust just yet. Being bust is not that bigger deal either. You have the option of paying up to 500% import duty or having it returned to sender if you cannot pay the duties. Not knowing this, Justpipes decided to surpirise me. If I knew what he was up to, I would have warned him to label the package differently. "Blindly" Justpipes sends a hefty package with the label marked "PIPE TOBACCO" on the front for all to see. Lone and behold I collected it from the post office this morning with no duties or fines. Just goes to show how pathetic Lawmakers and the law really is here in RSA. In this instance it counted in my favor!

Well done Justpipes, for beating the odds and helping a brother in need!

Once again, thank you!
I ask the brothers to join me in saluting you as a friend and a true Brother of Briar!

p.s. will you guys please get off his case now......and if you don't, know that I have his back! :) :)

:cheers: :cheers: :cheers:

Proof that Walnut isn't Pipe Tobacco!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:cheers: :cheers: :cheers:

(good on ya JP)
Our Brother Mark, aka JustPipes, aka The Duke (among other aliases
) is one hell of a guy. He has shown similar kindness to myself and many others around here.

Three cheers for JP,
Have been keeping this to myself but since you outed him I guess I can speak up now. A while back JP offered to "assist" anyone who wanted to try Walnut. I took him up on his offer, expecting to get a small sample of Walnut. What I received was a sample of Walnut, some Uhle's Perfection Plug, some Uhle's Dark Burley and a very nice Kaywoodie pipe that has taken a star place in my rotation and has become one of my favorite pipes.
Yes, JP is a fine and generous man!!
I might find a way to get rid of some Walnut for a nice Brissett Pipe.. Hint Hint.. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Centurian 803":sw339be7 said:
Have been keeping this to myself but since you outed him I guess I can speak up now. A while back JP offered to "assist" anyone who wanted to try Walnut. I took him up on his offer, expecting to get a small sample of Walnut. What I received was a sample of Walnut, some Uhle's Perfection Plug, some Uhle's Dark Burley and a very nice Kaywoodie pipe that has taken a star place in my rotation and has become one of my favorite pipes.
Yes, JP is a fine and generous man!!
I guess I better find a way to make him Like me.
Three cheers for JP. A true gentleman and scholar if there ever was one!!!!! :cheers:
DoverPipes":q9423dqt said:
Three cheers for JP. A true gentleman and scholar if there ever was one!!!!! :cheers:
And a fine patriot, too. :cheers:
"After him there will be no more". ...............Winslow :sunny:
JP,,,,Head TWIT,,,,,,,,,Toxic Walnut Initiation Team

nice pass JP,,,
JP is a true ambassador for pipe smoking and a heck of a super thoughtful nice guy too!

Jim..my ha'pence

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