Advice Please: Birth Year Pipe

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Mr. Doody

Well-known member
Apr 14, 2012
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I've been wanting to get myself a birth-year pipe.

The default behavior for this appears to be to pick up a Dunhill, but I'm not wedded to that brand requirement at all.

I thought a Castello might be a great idea, but it looks like Scotti didn't start dating them until the late 80s at their 40th anniversary. My birth year is 1966 - feel free to spare me the old man jibes ;-) ;-).

I'm a huge Caminetto, Radice, Ascorti, etc. fan - but those all post-date my birth AFAIK.

If I had my druthers (whatever those are), I'd prefer an American maker. But most of the great modern Americans like Tinsky weren't carving back then. I'd fancy an Ehrlich, since that's local Boston, but I don't think their carvers ever dated the pipes.

Would love to hear folks' opinions!!!!!

Any English pipe with a silver (= hallmarked) band should fit your bill.

:cat: :face:
You might want to consider Comoy's, or GBD's or Ptereson's as they can be dated relativly easily. I have two birth year Pete's, both are Pre-Republic bought in London in 1946 !! Even some Charatans can be dated easier than the Italian pipes. The Brits were more into "organization" than many of the Continental pipe firms at that time so you may have better luck with the British pipes of the 60's. BTW 1966 makes you a "young-un" :p