Affleck the new Batman

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Jul 2, 2013
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Not sure how many of you folks already knew that, but it's been blowing up everywhere else.

Personally, I LOVED Daredevil, Chasing Amy, Dogma, and Good Will Hunting. And any cameo Affleck has entertains me alot.

I totally agree with what was said in the article about Affleck. He has the ability to be the charismatic lady's man, turn around and become the dark knight.

But nay sayers seem to think that Benny boy is gonna ruin The Bats. I say, shut the hell up and give the man a chance before you look like an ass when he blows your socks off. I have actually been sucked into arguments about it already.

My defense? Everyone said Heath Ledger was going to be a terrible Joker because "he was a gay cowboy and couldn't pull it off." Now look, everybody is riding his coat tails and humping his leg(metaphorically speaking, of course). I personally think he was sub-par as the clown prince, and Jack Nicholson did a WAY better job of it.

Honestly, I'd LOVE to see Jim Carrey play Joker. His natural charisma and way of flailing about is exactly reminiscent of the typical Joker.

These are just my thoughts and rants on the subject. Just thought I'd share that with ya'll.
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friar_jay":rxcu8cfy said:
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When Tom Cruise was cast to play the vampire Lestat, it was greeted with universal groans. But he did a great job. How can anyone prejudge what he will do in the role? Don't we need to a performance to evaluate to know his success?

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