Amazon help needed

Brothers of Briar

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May 4, 2011
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Anyone have any experience with an amazon delivery that was notified as delivered but not to your address? I just had the very first one of those. Says it was delivered but nothing in my mailbox, and nothing in the other mailboxes. And I went out within minutes of delivery so don't think it was stolen.

Looked at the amazon site and there's no option I can find that selects this. Everything is geared to a refund based on many other reasons. And nothing about "contact us" anywhere on the site.

So what are my options other than going to my local PO tomorrow?


Had my first of those myself recently. The package showed up on my porch the next morning. Probably delivered next door by mistake. Hopefully you'll be as lucky. I honestly don't know if there's anything Amazon can do for you at this point. Definitely let the post office know what happened. Good luck.
Try contacting the vendor and tell them the item was not delivered. They will know how to contact Amazon. Follow up with the post office as well. Sometimes when the carrier's scanner can't read the bar code, they have to enter the number manually. That is generally when the errors occur. Computers are never wrong, right?
I've had it happen several times and believe it's the PO's fault. It gets delivered, but to the wrong address. So far I've been able to track these back to the main hub, where it gets sent out again and it finally gets delivered to me correctly, usually a day or two late. Hope you're as lucky, and the first recipient is not a thief.

Actually just had a coworker talk of the same exact problem!
Amazon had them reorder the item. Hope everything works out for you, and you receive your package soon!
Rande, I've had that happen twice, both times the retailer was Amazon. I called customer service and both times Amazon resent my order at no charge. That happened in the past 2 years. I was told I'm not their only customer in which this happens. It was most likely taken from your mailbox after delivered. I've also had UPS packages delivered and it was magic, they disappeared from my front porch. All the years I've lived in NY it's only happened twice. Living here in NC for the past 2.5 years it's already happened 5 different times. But, here I know who the culprit is!!! Good luck

Don't panic until after the mail runs today. If the shipper used the ups or FedEx super saver cheapo option that uses the post office to deliver, it is reading as delivered to the post office, not your home.
Lonecoyote":nxgor9p5 said:
...It was most likely taken from your mailbox after delivered. I've also had UPS packages delivered and it was magic, they disappeared from my front porch. All the years I've lived in NY it's only happened twice. Living here in NC for the past 2.5 years it's already happened 5 different times. But, here I know who the culprit is!!!...
I'd go for a head shot, probably a .308. But that's just me.
Richard Burley":h3llr9zf said:
go for a head shot, probably a .308. But that's just me.
Last thing I would want to do is shoot a family member :lol!: :lol!:

A package of mine didn't show up, and then tracking said it was delivered to some place in Kansas. (I'm in tax and spend CT.)  It was just placed on the wrong truck by human hands.  It eventually got redirected to me. All was well. I'm kinda pleasantly surprised errors happen so seldom. 

Early this morning I was trying to print out a ready-for-pickup e-mail notice from my desktop computer. I was getting mighty annoyed it wouldn't take my name and PW. Then I noticed I was inputting this info on my iPad. :joker: I remember my employment aptitude tests said I operate as a get-it-done sort who grows impatient when slowed down by detail. (I'd like to have .25 for every time someone said to me, "Stop yelling!") But I've matured into an old, complacent pensioner for whom manana is usually fine.
Well dip me in hog fat and fry me crispy - went out to the mailbox this AM to make one last check before I called out the national guard, and whattya know.....the package was there!

Don't quite know what to make of this, as I checked last eve minutes after the delivery notice and found a mailbox full of nothing. All the other mailboxes on our cul-de-sac were empty too, so it hadn't gotten delivered to one of them. That's happened to me and others here semi-recently.

So allus gut, ja? And my sincere thanks to those who were helpful with links and such, I've saved those for future reference.

And my consternation had everything to do with the DVD I ordered from Amazon a few months ago - the new Beatles documentary "A Hard Day's Night" directed by Ron Howard. Did the pre-order thing and it just shipped a few days ago, so I was very eager to receive it. Looks like that'll be tonight's viewing pleasure!



Rande, glad you finally received your package. Might have been delivered to the wrong home and lucky that person dropped it off where it belongs :cheers: :cheers:

Lonecoyote":xgy4i4wz said:
Rande, glad you finally received your package. Might have been delivered to the wrong home and lucky that person dropped it off where it belongs :cheers: :cheers:

Ya maybe. Or the carrier scanned it delivered too soon, or realised their mistake of a wrong delivery and re-delivered it, or a dozen other reasons.

In all my years of having deliveries there's only been one time that the goods were never accounted for, and that was UPS. Unfortunately there, the shipper didn't retain the shipping info so it couldn't be tracked. He did make good on resending it though, at his great expense!

I've read many accounts of mis-delivery/lost delivery/stolen delivery, etc over the years by both USPS and UPS. Fortunately I've had pretty positive experiences for the most part. Which is why I panicked yesterday!

A few years ago, I received a rather large box from UPS. Found it on my front steps, and knowing that I hadn't ordered anything found that the address label was for someone else in our 'hood with a similar address. Fortunately I found them on a google search and promptly delivered the box personally. So schmidt can and will happen.

Anyway, all's well that end well. And I won't let this little episode erode my faith in Amazon since it was obviously the carrier's fault.


George Kaplan":5h34b61i said:
So, tell us what we all want to know.
How was the documentary?
I don't know George - the damn thing wouldn't play! All I got was a screen that said "No Disc" after I'd loaded it, and I tried reloading the player several times. Both discs - same thing! Thought it might be the player and put in a disc I'd watched recently and that loaded fine. Tried the documentary again - same thing! WTF!

I'll play around with it again today, but it sure seems like I'll be returning a defective product to Amazon. Eff me!


No Cheers,

Just tried again and same results - No Disc after loading. Several other DVDs I've watched recently load just fine, so this set is defective.

Just called amazon CS and they're going to issue a replacement, but this set is now sold out until later next month. So we set it up to ship when available again. In the meantime they don't want this set back. The amazon CS rep was very helpful.

Major bummer, but life sucks and then you die!



Brewdude":7qzsfcs6 said:
Well dip me in hog fat and fry me crispy - went out to the mailbox this AM to make one last check before I called out the national guard, and whattya know.....the package was there!

Don't quite know what to make of this, as I checked last eve minutes after the delivery notice and found a mailbox full of nothing. All the other mailboxes on our cul-de-sac were empty too, so it hadn't gotten delivered to one of them. That's happened to me and others here semi-recently.

So allus gut, ja? And my sincere thanks to those who were helpful with links and such, I've saved those for future reference.

And my consternation had everything to do with the DVD I ordered from Amazon a few months ago - the new Beatles documentary "A Hard Day's Night" directed by Ron Howard. Did the pre-order thing and it just shipped a few days ago, so I was very eager to receive it. Looks like that'll be tonight's viewing pleasure!



The mailman probably forgot to put it into your mailbox. It has happened to me a few times, in the past.
I have had it happen twice. Both times it was Fedex delivering the package. The first time they delivered a pair of boots for Heath to a house 6 miles across town. We never did get them, but Amazon made it right immediately and we had the replacement boots within 2 days at no additional cost. The second time was just last week and the Fedex driver says he scanned the box too early. I don't believe him for a second. A quick call to Amazon (who put me on hold and called Fedex) had the package here within an hour.

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