An ER visit for GIANT kidney stone

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Oct 23, 2010
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Oregon City, Oregon - USA
Was in the ER from 7:30 pm - 2:30 am last night for horrible pain (9 on a 10 point scale) related to what turned out to be a big fat kidney stone.  :x This included two and a half hours of writhing in agony waiting to be seen...then some blissful pain meds (fentanyl :drunken: ) and lots of diagnostics.  Even though I’ve taken a daily med for years to prevent stone formation a dainty 9mm stone formed...with all the associated joys.  Yes...I said NINE MILLIMETERS!  Like the bullet!  :affraid:

That puppy ain’t flushing down and out on its own!  Wowzers!  So I’m sitting here waiting for a call back from another doctor to go in and have the dang thing pulverized, etc.  I won’t even start to describe how they do that...pretty hideous.

Think good thoughts toward me Bros...I need ‘em.
Oh geez I had one like that in the past, one of the worst experiences ever. Good luck, I hope the break up goes smoothly. Mine didn't get broken up just ripped out with a pair of forceps.
Kidney stone that's 9mm? And they're going to "pulverize" it?

So how do you do that? Is it like a mamagram? Put your Johnson in a press and flatten it? :affraid:

I'm beginning to hurt just thinking about you and predicament. Best of luck!
D.L.Ruth":qwal33ub said:
Oh geez I had one like that in the past, one of the worst experiences ever. Good luck, I hope the break up goes smoothly. Mine didn't get broken up just ripped out with a pair of forceps.
Oh Judas!
Those can be among the most painful things that can happen to anyone. Never had one but know several that have and their experiences sound like yours. Hope you can get that seen to asap Dave.

No Cheers,

I think they're testing using the same, or similar, technology to break up the plaque involved with Alzheimer's.
Ozark Wizard":r1z9ba0b said:
Kidney stone that's 9mm? And they're going to "pulverize" it?

So how do you do that? Is it like a mamagram? Put your Johnson in a press and flatten it? :affraid:

I'm beginning to hurt just thinking about you and predicament. Best of luck!
Water submersion. Then they use sound waves to break up the stone.

I've had a couple. Know what you are going through. Drugs are goooood.....
Here's hoping they get you squared with the world in a hurry! Most unpleasant business to be sure. Prayers and good wishes are headed your way.

OK...this is just weird.  They work me in for a nooner on the potential laser breakup of the “big stone”.  So we go in and get checked in for the procedure, done under a general anesthesia...propofol, the good stuff.  I go in and go under.  I wake up and everyone is just looking at me.  WHAT?  So...what happened, I ask.  As there a number of potential outcomes.  And here it is...they didn’t find any stone up there!  What?  The doc looked all over with his scope thing and it just wasn’t there...anywhere.  Potential explanation: last night in the ER they gave me a drug that not only was an analgesic, but also relaxed the ureters (the tube the stone was sitting in).  So they say I must have passed the stone while there in the ER or later at home, etc.  And they quoted a 20% likelihood that I might pas it in the next two weeks. Remember, we’re talking about a 9mm stone...larger than the diameter of a pencil...half the diameter of a US penny! OMG. How could that beast go through and out without me knowing it? Wow! So as far as that deal goes, I’m very likely done with it.

Anyone who say prayer doesn’t help...they’re wrong.  

Thank you Lord!
Blackhorse":w6rc6weu said:
OK...this is just weird.  They work me in for a nooner on the potential laser breakup of the “big stone”.  So we go in and get checked in for the procedure, done under a general anesthesia...propofol, the good stuff.  I go in and go under.  I wake up and everyone is just looking at me.  WHAT?  So...what happened, I ask.  As there a number of potential outcomes.  And here it is...they didn’t find any stone up there!  What?  The doc looked all over with his scope thing and it just wasn’t there...anywhere.  Potential explanation: last night in the ER they gave me a drug that not only was an analgesic, but also relaxed the ureters (the tube the stone was sitting in).  So they say I must have passed the stone while there in the ER or later at home, etc.  Remember, we’re talking about a 9mm stone...larger than the diameter of a pencil...half the diameter of a US penny! OMG.  So as far as that deal goes, I’m very likely done with it.

Anyone who say prayer doesn’t help...they’re wrong.  

Thank you Lord!!!


You are one lucky dawg Mr. Dave!!



Just to keep you scared... mine got lodged at the end of the urethra when it tried to pass lol. But I truly hope it is gone and you are done with it.
I'm glad you are better now. I had the same thing happen and had to go through the deal with the "baseball bat"! At least that's what it felt like! Just drink plenty of water. Yeah, I know, now you'll be up all night peeing! I've heard that lemonade or lemon juice is good for the kidneys. I don't care for lemonade so I don't drink any.
What the actual eff? I sincerely hope that it passed while you were in the ER. If that puppy tries to make its way out unmedicated you're not going to be a happy camper! You sir shall remain on the prayer list for at least 2 weeks. Any spare good vibes are headed your way.

Yeah...I hope the same.

Currently they pass a catheter thing up to there from the ‘tip’ to where the stone is that has a camera connected maybe via fiber optic (?). They can go all the way up and even into the kidney. Once they find it they use the same piece to shoot a super super fine laser at it that only penetrates a couple mm’s and gradually shoot little pieces off the main stone til it’s all broken up to rubble. Then they insert a “stint” which is like a straw full of micro holes which is to stabilize the tube from its reaction to the procedure...which is to relax and then clamp down tight, then relax to a normal size inside diameter, then clamp down again, etc., etc. If the stint wasn’t there to prevent that reaction the Doctor said I would be back in the ER...crying, screaming, throwing up, peeing blood, etc. Not pretty. Imagine the tube cramping down tight onto a bunch of sharp edged kidney stone micro gravel...not comfortable. The stint stays in for 3 - 5 days and makes you feel like you have to pee, ALL the time. yank it out. Yikes!

But since they couldn’t find the stone they couldn’t do the laser thing and couldn’t put the stint up there. Glorious.

Yah, I’m just hoping it doesn’t pop back out from some little hidey hole.
huffelpuff":d5g11b9j said:
What the actual eff? I sincerely hope that it passed while you were in the ER. If that puppy tries to make its way out unmedicated you're not going to be a happy camper! You sir shall remain on the prayer list for at least 2 weeks. Any spare good vibes are headed your way.

Jim such thing as “unmedicated”. I came away with two kinds of potent narcotic Meds, plus some designer thing specific to this condition, plus a high dose ibuprofen, plus pills that deaden the inside of the urethras, plus a few other things.

Lastly...I can definitely tell why “opioids” are such a big issue. They gave me one low dose IV push of fentanyl and I was on a happy cloud. And as soon as it wore off...I wanted more. If someone wasn’t thinking it was so highly addictive and took it even for a short time...that’d be that Amigo.
Blackhorse":n010wpot said:
Yeah...I hope the same.

Currently they pass a catheter thing up to there from the ‘tip’ to where the stone is that has a camera connected maybe via fiber optic (?).  They can go all the way up and even into the kidney. Once they find it they use the same piece to shoot a super super fine laser at it that only penetrates a couple mm’s and gradually shoot little pieces off the main stone til it’s all broken up to rubble.  Then they insert a “stint” which is like a straw full of micro holes which is to stabilize the tube from its reaction to the procedure...which is to relax and then clamp down tight, then relax to a normal size inside diameter, then clamp down again, etc., etc. If the stint wasn’t there to prevent that reaction the Doctor said I would be back in the ER...crying, screaming, throwing up, peeing blood, etc.  Not pretty.  Imagine the tube cramping down tight onto a bunch of sharp edged kidney stone micro gravel...not comfortable.  The stint stays in for 3 - 5 days and makes you feel like you have to pee, ALL the time. yank it out.  Yikes!

But since they couldn’t find the stone they couldn’t do the laser thing and couldn’t put the stint up there.  Glorious.

Yah, I’m just hoping it doesn’t pop back out from some little hidey hole.
Oh my God, that sounds horrible, I'm almost in tears reading it lol

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