An old pipe smoker returns

Brothers of Briar

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Jul 5, 2018
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Hi all,
I've been smoking a pipe for close to 50 years, but really took a break from it for the last four or five for reasons that don't merit going into. I have returned and was happy to find a forum that still seemed active.
Good to have you with us. I'm looking forward to absorbing some of your 50 years of pipe smoking knowledge. :cheers:


Welcome back! Things have been a bit slow here of late, nice to have some fresh meat! :twisted:
Oh! I also see you had a bit of trouble with the system. But you got past the verification with the 2nd attempt. I can delete than other attempt. If you need a name or email change. Let me know. But since you had trouble with the first one, I would probably leave that alone. I wish they would fix that bug in the system.

There was another person stuck in the system and I manually activated them.


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