Another damn wasp nest! (long rant)

Brothers of Briar

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May 4, 2011
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Seems every year I have to deal with a wasp nest somewhere on my house. Last year the buggers made one right smack dab underneath the roof overhang on my front door. Paper wasps, yellowjackets, whatever you want to call them. I call them freakin mean and a nuisance.

Thought I'd be in the clear this year, but over the past week I've been finding dead wasps on my kitchen floor and in the laundry room just off the kitchen. These weren't the bigass yellowjackets though, rather a smaller variety whose name I'm not familiar with. 

For the life of me, I couldn't figure out where they were coming from. No sign of a nest inside, and I looked hard and long on the back of the house as well. Some days there would be one or two dead ones, sometimes none.

This morning when I was doing laundry, I saw an odd sight on the mat just inside the door of the laundry room that leads to my back deck. It was covered in fine wood shavings, which then lead to some being deposited on the door window frame, and then the top of the door jamb. Had an AH-HA moment, and figured out they were probably building a nest inside the door jamb.

Still had some of the wasp/hornet killer can left over from last year, so sprayed down the top of the inside door jam, then went outside and hosed down that same area. I didn't go out that rear door since I didn't want to shake loose the nest.

In the meantime while I'm doing laundry there were suddenly several wasps in the laundry room, which seemed to like to get trapped between the windows and the blinds. I grabbed a rag and squished them before they could sting me.

Came back to the laundry room later and there were a few more wasps. By now I'm thinking WTF! Squished them too, but some I had to wait until they flew into the window towards the light. Didn't get stung.

By now I can't understand where they're coming from, so decided to step back and watch. Sure as ****, one of them flies out the top of the door where it meets the frame! Got the rest of the spay and hosed that down.

Had stuff to do so needed to go leave for awhile. Got another can of wasp/hornet spray at the hardware store on my errands. 

Came back a few hrs later and found a few more dead ones in the laundry room. But then I clearly noticed a very unsettling sound - a very pronounced buzzing which seemed to emanate from outside.

Closer listening revealed that the buzzing came from inside the door itself! So this was truly where the nest was and I just had not noticed it before. But it was loud as anything. But where were they coming in at? I figured I'd sprayed down all the areas in question.

By now my blood's up. Got a brand new can of wasp spray. Marched back to the rear deck and just waited and watched. Sure enough, within a minute or so it became obvious where the nest entrance was. Several fliers made for the exact same entry. OK, game on!

And it's much too difficult to describe here. Suffice to say they found some gap in between the paneling just above the door to my rear deck. And then made a nest from there!

New can of juice in hand, I proceeded to hose it down making sure that the flow penetrated into that particular gap in the paneling. Had several fliers around me and trying to get in, but they turned away when they smelled the spray.

Right now, and for the past few hours there has been no buzzing from the door area as before. So I'm hopeful I've got them. Got the door from the laundry room to the kitchen closed, and have checked it periodically. Right now the count is only 3 more dead 'uns.

I won't plan to open the rear door at least for a few more days. Gonna get another can of spray and dose the whole thing down several more times. Their pheromones can persist for a while after the nest is gone. And that's what attracts the stragglers back.

Did I ever mention I friggin' HATE Wasps?


No bueno, no cheers!

Hey BD, we got'em here and any breed you'd like from red to black to yeller.
Most the time they just fly by my face and show no fear until I swat one with my hand and then they understand to stay clear of me and I let'em be cause they eat other little nasty insects.
But, for the past few years every time I got in the pick up there was one fly'en around in the cab with me and I'd have to shoo him out. One year I finally figured out where the little peckerwoods were coming from. One had gotten into a vent and made a nest, another in side the door because of a worn out window seal.
Took care of both and now the pick up is wasp free, although ever so often I get a dadburn mouse crawling up through the worn out shifter boot so I leave a little treat of Rat Poison under the seat for'em. ;)
Dang Rande, spending this much time wrangling critters, doesn't leave as much time for smoking as I would prefer.

Maybe you could buy a matched pair of honey buzzards that are a sort of raptor that will eat the wasp larvae. I'm not for certain if they are compatable with bats though.

The upside is that Walmart usually keeps the brooms and wasp spray close to the same isle.

Now I am starting to wonder if either of these critters are attracted to beer or briar?
Dang Rande what is it with you and flying critters? Happy to hear you didn't get stung.
Mop-up operations currently underway.

Early this AM there was no sound of buzzing from the door jamb. Yet I'm familiar with the stragglers from the nest and the pheromones that attract them back. So stopped after work to get another can of kill spray.

Got home and checked. There were 5 or 6 dead wasps on the laundry room floor (door closed between the laundry room and kitchen right now). No buzzing in the door jamb area. But I'm not convinced. Still not gonna open the door to the deck just yet.

Came back and checked again a little later and thought I heard some faint buzzing somewhere. Not in the door jamb area this time, more like in the window well.

Pulled the blinds aside and found about 6-10 wasps in various stages of death throes in the bottom of the sill. Hosed them down with the spray. So apparently there is still some activity!?

Went out back to the rear deck and stood and watched for activity above the door into the laundry room. Sure enough, within a minute there were 5 -6 wasps flying around looking for an entrance to the nest. But they seemed to be hesitant to enter the same entry since I doused that so well yesterday with the juice.

OK, so nothing else to do but hose the entire area down with the spray. Expended the entire can doing this, covering not only the top of the door area but the window area as well! Killed 6 or so wasps in the process.

Have to believe that right now I'm dealing with the stragglers that only want to get back to the nest. Hopefully in a day or so I'll have them all taken care of.

Gonna get multiple cans of the killer spray tomorrow!



Insure the house for three times it worth, and nuke the site from orbit.........

It's the only way to be sure...........
Grab some caulk for when the battle is over. Seal it up or next year you may have the same issue. Wait til they are gone though or they will eat their way into an area you don't want them.
Fazby":8ibfi0mf said:
Grab some caulk for when the battle is over.  Seal it up or next year you may have the same issue.  Wait til they are gone though or they will eat their way into an area you don't want them.

Ya, thought about just that! Their pheromone trail can last a long time!

This must have been a rather large nest. And don't want to call in a professional exterminator, unless absolutely necessary. They want to sell you a program with monthly fees. Been there, done that. I figure I can take care of this myself.


Still some activity. Found a few more dying wasps in the laundry room today. No buzzing from inside the door jamb so that's a good sign. But there are apparently some stragglers still flying around outside the rear door.

I'll wait until dusk and then go out and spray the entire area down again. Got 2 fresh cans of killer spray. Must have been a large nest!

One way or another these sumbitches are going down once and for all!


Cheers be damned,

We had a small nest just forming above our back door. Didn't even see it for a while as it was about the size of an acorn. Just mama yellow jacket and the paper nest. She didn't bother us, although she watched us going in and out of the door.

When the first offspring appeared, I got wary and decide to not use the door any more. Figure mama was used to us, but would the kids listen to mama? Wife felt live and let live, believing hey would not bother us. I am not that trusting.

One day my wife said a male cardinal tore a big chunk out of the nest. The next day it took out the rest of the nest!

So much for just being a seed eater. Kudos to the red bird!

Last year I had an orange size paper wasp nest literally underneath the roof overhang on my front door. And those were the nasty yellow jackets. Didn't notice it until the size of it dictated attention. Dispatched it, but it was a close thing I didn't get stung.

Prior to that, had a bigass paper wasp nest in the low bough of the fir tree over my driveway. That was grapefruit size or more. Still can't believe I didn't get stung on that one. Many pissed off wasps when I spayed it down. Wore lots of protection on that one. Knocked down the nest and doused it with gasoline and ignited it. 

Have other wasp stories, but suffice to say I hate them. Want them dead if they intrude on my living space.


Death to wasps!


Keep fighting'em Rande. Eventually you'll get'em all. :)

Oh man, I don't envy you with those wasps.

The thing I really hate about them is that they will sting you for just walking past their nests. Not disturbing them. Just walking by.

They will come down off their nests and fly 20 feet just to sting you for walking by.


So yeah, death to all wasps!
Still dealing with the mop-up operations. Seeing some stragglers flying around the entrance to the nest, but wait until dusk and empty another can of juice there and a little inside the top of the door. Counted a few more dead un's today in the window well. I'll continue to do this until there is no more activity. 

I do believe I've got this pretty much handled. Just need to be vigilant.


post script-

A week or more elapsed between my 8/6 posting about this, and thought that I had it handled. Hadn't observed any activity so thought I was in the clear.

About a  week ago I had my rear deck stripped and resealed. Several day project. The crew finished up a week ago yesterday, and it looked great.

So Monday last, the crew boss (and my next door neighbor) came over and we looked at all the details from this. Right about then I notice a wasp buzzing around the area that they were seen entering.

Long story short, my neighbor (being a house painter by trade) has extensive experience with wasps, bees, hornets, etc.

He goes on to say that they may have built a nest up above where I was spraying and therefore the spray I was using might not have gotten them all. Aw F*CK was all I could say!

So decided to call in the experts. Had a local pest company come out this past Fri, and they drilled holes in the outside paneling and sprayed up and down. Supposedly their spray has a residual effect for several months, and their work is guaranteed for the rest of this season. So we'll see what happens as we move forward. 

Today I went out and eyeballed the area, and found one very small wasp trying to find its way in to the paneling. Looks like it was trying to follow a pheromone trail.

The pest company said there may be some residual activity for a week or so, as the stragglers try to come back to the nest. So I'll be watching that.

In the meantime I had one more dying wasp in my laundry room window well today. Hard to say if that's a good or bad sign right now.

All I know is that I'm not opening up the rear door to the deck until I have 100% complete confidence this nightmare is behind me.


No Cheers,

Rande I think you've been cursed by the Guardian of the Wasp Empire. What they are really after is all the great Va.'s and Vapers you have in your stash. I will volunteer to act as emissary and take a portion of your stash to them as an offering. I think somewhere between 8-10 pounds should be sufficient. Just an opinion but I think any Va.'s such as 5100 RC or FMC 2000 would be nice and maybe about a couple of dozen tins or so of a VaPer like Escudo would be appropriate. Not sure how they feel about English and Balkans but if you happen to have a pound or two of Arango Balkan Supreme you might want to toss that in a to add a little insurance. We certainly don't want to offend them by being chinsy with your offering. I'm sure you see the enormous risk I'll be taking on your behalf but that's what friends do, right? The sooner you get the tobacco to me the sooner I can make the offering to them. You think you might get it all in the mail say by Tuesday morning? :pirat:


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