another "The USPS sucks!" thread.

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Puff Daddy

Well-known member
Dec 9, 2007
Reaction score
Bought a pipe from Denmark, seller sent it via registered letter. Time from Denmark to US, 2 days. Time to be processed through customs, 1 day. Then it sat there, apparently, at the sort facility in Chicago, for a week. At that point I emailed USPS cust service with the tracking number and explained one week no movement. 4 days later I get only a form letter response saying only the seller and the postal authority of origin can initiate an inquiry, not the recipient, and that the USPS doesn't bear liability for international mail.

This after their own tracking service provided proof that the item was physically in their possession.

Also, the moron that sent the form letter didn't even bother to look at the tracking info, as the day before he sent the form letter the package magically reappeared at the sort facility, where it was scanned as it left towards it's destination.

Scumbag idiots.
I've bought and sold from Italy, which is risky. Hopefully your Danish treasure finds its way home soon.
Back when I was actively collecting pens, I bought, sold and traded them internationally. The three Best govt run mail services I found were , in order of competency, the Germans, the British and the USPS. I never got anything from Denmark so can't say about them but the three WORST were the Italian, the French and the Spanish postal systems with it being a 50/50 chance your pen would be outright STOLEN by the Italians and Spanish !! As bad as we think the USPS is , and at times it seems they work real hard at proving that, they are STILL one of the BEST !! :twisted: :twisted:
Denmark post delivered the package to the states promptly. The USPS lost track of it after it was here and cleared customs, and then was only concerned about making claims of not being liable without even looking for it when queried. That's the lame part. If they'd said they were trying to find it or admitted a mistake that would be acceptable, but deferring liability and responsibility when it was in their possession while not even trying is unacceptable.
Puff Daddy":f7415t7r said:
Denmark post delivered the package to the states promptly. The USPS lost track of it after it was here and cleared customs, and then was only concerned about making claims of not being liable without even looking for it when queried. That's the lame part. If they'd said they were trying to find it or admitted a mistake that would be acceptable, but deferring liability and responsibility when it was in their possession while not even trying is unacceptable.
If it's "... unacceptable..." guess you're gonna have to stop getting anymore mail via the USPS. Move to another country that has an acceptable system !! Problem solved ! :twisted: :twisted:
Oh, yeah, that's the answer. Accept horrible standards and be glad of it.

Recent DHL and FedEx packages from Europe came within days without a hitch. What were they thinking? They're going to get USPS customers expecting that shit! Bastards.
Puff Daddy":4cz3uuw5 said:
Oh, yeah, that's the answer. Accept horrible standards and be glad of it.

Recent DHL and FedEx packages from Europe came within days without a hitch. What were they thinking? They're going to get USPS customers expecting that shit! Bastards.
I'd have to agree about FedEx as I've NEVER had anything but FANTASTIC service ALWAYS from them ! DHL from Europe was another story back then. Almost as bad as the Italians was my experience with them. 'Course this was in the early '70s through '80s and things hopefully have changed. As an old codger told me one time, "... in life ya pays yo money and ya takes your chances "  :twisted: :twisted:  Onward Thru the Fog  :twisted: :twisted:
The USPS does present a true quandary in that sometimes they are the best and others, the worst. FedEx/UPS is not going to deliver a 1st class letter just anywhere for $.49!! That said, I received a pay statement last month from my sometimes employer. Not an unusual event, except that the postmark and pay data was for/from MARCH 2012!!!! Took the dang thing exactly three years to get from OKC, OK to Raleigh, NC!!!! :!: :!: FTRPLT
Believe it or not, I've found the good old USPS to be the best way to receive stuff down here. Slow, yes, but it always gets here. With the private companies like UPS and FedEx, the chances of having stuff getting detained in customs goes waaaaay up.

My last FedEx shipment was a bunch of photos prom my dad. When it arrived it had been rifled through and they didn't even have the courtesy to put the photos back in the photo envelope. They just stuffed them back in the folder and taped it up. Plus, I had to pay over $60US in taxes for two sets of photos. Last time I've used them. :evil:
...actually, I've had more issues as you have described with USPS for the last two years, so I tend to use FEDX and UPS when I have things shipped from overseas. Last week I ordered from and paid for 2-day Priority took 5 days from South Carolina to SE Tennessee, a distance of 400 miles. The package sat in Columbia SC for 48 hours...
Brewdude":6ldiau2x said:
Interesting thread. I've heard horror stories about every shipper, but USPS has yet to have black marks for me.



I've had one problem with USPS. It was insured and the insurance paid out! Other than that, the post around here seems to be efficient.
Over the past few years I'd say the service I've gotten from usps has been quite good. As with any other company, a few buttheads and a questionable policy or two can really ruin an otherwise positive perception. As in this instance, why punt and act like it's someone else's problem rather than making an honest attempt at remedy? This one instance solidified in me the belief that this company cannot be trusted. Great move customer service!
The USPS has been a bloated, inefficient and nearly bankrupt system for many years. About 99.5% of the stuff they deliver to my house is junk mail, so I would gladly sign up for once or twice a week service if offered.

I do use Priority Mail to send packages on occasion, but I print the shipping labels online and just drop off. Standing in lines at the PO, especially mid-April or during the Christmas holiday season (which seems to start Nov 1), should be a penalty reserved for career criminals.
