Any body keep a Journal of their life?

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Well-known member
Jan 15, 2012
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I started keeping a journal back when I was 33 and since then I've filled 12 volumes in the past 39 years. I've had to change makers of journals twice and went where I last got my latest and they don'y carry it any more so I;ve had to go with a smaller size which I found at my local Wallgreens pharmacy !! I usually write 4 to 6 pages at the end of each day with a reounting of the days activities and at times I add personal ideas and thoughts about things happening in the world. '
Any of you folks do this ? :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
A Journal of my life, Hmm! I seriously wouldn't keep one, it could be very incriminating to say the least. :suspect:
I've taken a few stabs at it over the years, but for the most part it's always been one of those "yeah I need to start doing that", kinda things. But on the other hand, maybe I just need to change my personal definition of journaling, since I do tend to write down observations and thoughts regarding life as I see it. I Just don't do it on a regular basis, which to my mind at least, is a key element of journaling.
In any event, looking back over things I've written has on occasion helped me to comport myself with at least a modicum of decorum when dealing with the latest crisis du jour. Mostly I think, because reading of past experiences helps remind me that, as Wiz has pointed out, "despite my best efforts things seem to work out". :afro:
I once kept a diary of some of my UK holidays for a couple visits and they do provide an interesting read. But nothing as extensive as what you've been doing Michael. I'm far too lazy!



I don't have to keep one. The FBI does it for me. :affraid:

Cartaphilus":rv8jfv4b said:
ajn27511":rv8jfv4b said:
I don't have to keep one. The FBI does it for me. :affraid:

That's a Dossier AJ, not a Journal. ;)  
:lol!:  They add stuff to it every day. It already takes three of their skin head goons dressed in black suits to carry the boxes. :twisted:

monbla256":xgya87ik said:
...I usually write 4 to 6 pages at the end of each day with a re[c]ounting of the days activities and at times I add personal ideas and thoughts about things happening in the world...
Aha! I was wondering what the hell you do with all the fountain pens. It all makes sense now.
ajn27511":gq4s4vhk said:
Cartaphilus":gq4s4vhk said:
ajn27511":gq4s4vhk said:
I don't have to keep one. The FBI does it for me. :affraid:

That's a Dossier AJ, not a Journal. ;)  
:lol!:  They add stuff to it every day. It already takes three of their skin head goons dressed in black suites to carry the boxes. :twisted:

I'm cornfused, do these agents wear suites/eooms or suits/clothes? :twisted: :twisted:
ajn27511":1kvtlv5q said:
Cartaphilus":1kvtlv5q said:
ajn27511":1kvtlv5q said:
I don't have to keep one. The FBI does it for me. :affraid:

That's a Dossier AJ, not a Journal. ;)  
:lol!:  They add stuff to it every day. It already takes three of their skin head goons dressed in black suites to carry the boxes. :twisted:

I'm cornfused, do these agents wear suites/eooms or suits/clothes? :twisted: :twisted:
monbla256 said:
ajn27511 said:
Cartaphilus":6okwepjj said:
ajn27511":6okwepjj said:
I don't have to keep one. The FBI does it for me. :affraid:

That's a Dossier AJ, not a Journal. ;)  
:lol!:  They add stuff to it every day. It already takes three of their skin head goons dressed in black suites to carry the boxes. :twisted:
monbla256":sbh9dfaj said:
ajn27511":sbh9dfaj said:
Cartaphilus":sbh9dfaj said:
ajn27511":sbh9dfaj said:
I don't have to keep one. The FBI does it for me. :affraid:

That's a Dossier AJ, not a Journal. ;)  
:lol!:  They add stuff to it every day. It already takes three of their skin head goons dressed in black suites to carry the boxes. :twisted:

I'm cornfused, do these agents wear suites/eooms or suits/clothes? :twisted: :twisted:
Now I'm confused! Is "eooms" a type of suit room?
monbla256":rjn2t5nr said:
ajn27511":rjn2t5nr said:
Cartaphilus":rjn2t5nr said:
ajn27511":rjn2t5nr said:
I don't have to keep one. The FBI does it for me. :affraid:

That's a Dossier AJ, not a Journal. ;)  
:lol!:  They add stuff to it every day. It already takes three of their skin head goons dressed in black suites to carry the boxes. :twisted:

I'm cornfused, do these agents wear suites/eooms or suits/clothes? :twisted: :twisted:
It was a typing error which as you can see has been corrected. My "senior" moments are becoming more frequent as I continue to age. Looks as though you have the same problem, ie: eooms. :lol!:

No journal Michael (and I hope no dossier), but I have started to write what I hope will become a book. It must be great to look back at your memoires...
I used to use a DayTimer, then a Franklin Planner. Did it for years. A lot of what would pass for a diary was contained in there, in the sense that it was a very accurate, very detailed record of what I did, everyone with whom I interacted (and what happened in those interactions), and in many cases my detailed observations about the people and events, and what I learned from them.  

I recently threw them all away; too much old baggage. It was an incredibly liberating experience.

I don't condemn anyone who keeps a journal, but it's not something I want to do any more. For me, the record of my life should be in what I do...what I accomplish, not in what I say about myself.

Besides, the self is a fiction anyway. If I wrote about it I might actually read it, and that's always a risky business. I'd prefer to avoid the danger that I might start believing my own press.  :mrgreen:

I keep 3 journals:

personal thoughts
medium and long term goal progress.

They are all the same size and paper. I'm open to other journals but I keep coming back to the same stuff.


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