Central CT. Full tanks on all cars, cars parked strategically re: trees, 9 gallons in cans for the generator, plenty of Chef Boy R Dee on hand, batteries, decks cleared of flying objects, cell phones charged, clean underwear available for everyone for a week, etcetc.
Observation: local weather forecasts are threatening, but unspecific about specifics like wind mph. The Weather channel forecasts plenty o' rain for the week, but winds of 34 mph on Mon, much less on Tues. If that turns out to be accurate I'll be happy. If there's an outage for an extended period and there's no damage to the house, we're heading North out of the damage zone to eat lobstah dinners 'til power is restored.
Good luck to all BoBs and their families.
Since I expect to be roughing it for at least a few days, I'd say RLP-6 in No Name briars is an appropriate choice.
Added: Latest report says greatest damage expected from storm surge, not wind. Storm Sandy is a combo of hurricane and Nor'easter. It's occuring partially during a full moon which heightens tides. Since it's a slow-moving storm, there will be four tides, not the usual one in a typical eastern hurricane. Gov. urges people on the coast to vamoose, because after the first tide rescues will likely be impossible.