Any of you guys into cap and ball revolvers?

Brothers of Briar

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I would be seriously disinclined to fire a cap and ball revolving carbine in any form. I admit I never had a chainfire but the risk is just too high in my book. I'm just slightly attached to my off hand and would like to keep it.

I personally don't see the size being a huge issue as I'm not a small guy by any stretch of the imagination. Most folks complain about the 1911 being too big to hold comfortably I find it way too small for my hands. As for the extreme weight the pistol would have....well some guns are just meant to be fired from a rest.

The videos on the super walker are quite interesting. I definitely see a place for such mods. Unfortunately the market for a gun that's been built up like that would be almost non-existent. Great idea but a bear to sell.

Well, that's why they build them up custom. I don't think I would want a weaver sight rail, but the upgrade on the loading lever seems useful. The man from the videos is an avid hunter with cap and ball revolvers. Personally, I didn't think the standard army load had enough power for deer, but he does it well enough with a target sight model. Although I think he has to put them down with a second shot after.

I dont know that they make them for the walker specifically, but there are attachment stocks that go on colt and Remington revolvers out there. They help with stability, if you need it. (I shot a walker with a full load, and it does kick something fierce) I've also seen some mods that alter the grip frame to close the gap between the barrel and cylinder done on the carbine model Remington, but I still don't think I'd put my hand up front either haha.

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