Any other motorcyclists on here?

Brothers of Briar

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Well-known member
Dec 21, 2007
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I've been a motorcyclist for almost as long as I've been a pipe smoker (pipe- 42 years, motorcyclist- 39 years). Right now I have a 1999 Kawasaki 1500 Drifter, the one that looks just like an old Indian. I was just curious about how many other BoB members rode, how long they've ridden, and what they ride. By the way, if you do ride and are ever in MO and see a Drifter with a B-FREE custom license plate, that's me.

A lot of the Brothers ride... check out this thread for just a few of 'em:
Thanks for the link to that thread, Doc. Looks like we have several BoBbers that ride.

Riding since 1971, every style except motocross and trials. This summer I sold my 2000 Victory until I can get re-situated and resume the pastime. Prior to these four, I had gone through a 1978 Yamaha XS750SE with a "Factory" Vetter fairing and hard bags (Yamaha fitted touring stuff to some units on the West coast before distribution), a 1972 Suzuki TS250 2-stroke dual sport, and a 1971 Honda CL350.

That's me below, standing in front of the Mustang Seats factory after they had borrowed my Victory to prototype their designs. The dirt bike is a 2003 Honda XR650R after conversion to a street legal dually. The XR allowed me to day-tour between trails that I didn't feel comfortable doing on the BMW. I did ride Black Bear Pass (San Juan Mountains) on the beemer though.....which on that bike was a bit hair raising. My most memorable rides on the XR were around Moab UT. The Ducati is a 1996 900 SS/SP with Staintune cans, Keihin flat slide carbs and Corbin seat. It saw most of its miles in SW Wisconsin and the upper Mississippi River Valley.

I sure had a lot of fun with all of them.



Rode for ~13 years, on and off. Mostly on.

Got the bug in the mid 60's on a Honda 50 (laugh if you want) when I was 14/15 while working summers on the farm my late Mom grew up on. No licence, no helmet, no common sense....LOL! But I rode it all around the country roads in SE WI and never got busted.

In the mid 70's I made a bad choice with a HD '52 Flathead Chopper. Basket case. Tank shift (3-speed plus reverse. It once had a sidecar) and sucide clutch. POS.

Got rid of that and got a Kawasaki Z1 900 in '75. Brand new. Cost about $1800 back then, which basically bankrupted me!

Rode that all over the US. Toured from WI down to Brimingham, AL where my old HS buddy lived. Also toured to Rocky Mt Nat Pk, Glacier Nat Pk, and finally all the way down to Key West via the Blue Ridge Mtns. Camped, got rained on, snowed on, roasted in the summer FL weather. Good times.

Got tired of touring and sold it in the early 80's and was without a bike for about 5 yrs. Got the bug again and got a used Honda 1100 Shadow V-twin. '82 I think. Stock as a fart.

That bugger had a very powerful engine, and performed flawlessly. Didn't tour but rode it locally for several years. Sold it in '89 before moving to WA state.

Never went down, but had several close calls. Mostly from being stupid, drunk, or both.

Vowed I'd never ride again. And apart from a one time short jaunt on my buds HD Low Rider 5 years ago have held to it.

Count myself lucky. Several folks I know haven't been.

Still remember the freedom, wind in your hair, and all that.....



Just sold an '02 Triumph America I put 40k on (to fund our '79 MGB). I have a '66 Bonneville hard-tail chopper and another '65 Bonnie project. I miss my new bike and I'm considering selling one or both of the choppers for a BMW or KTM adventure bike.
Brewdude said:
Got the bug in the mid 60's on a Honda 50 (laugh if you want)
Far from it,,,I started on a honda 90,,,great little machines ,,reliable and cheap to run,,,moved up to a suzuki 250 X6 hustler, 350 yamaha, 750 Honda, then I got the Harley bug, flathead,,, knucklehead,,, shovel,,,,then a fatboy,,,,but that little Honda started it all, $149 used, bought with money from mowing lawns,,, I was king of the world,, :cheers:
I have been riding motorcycles since I was 9 years old. I have been on bikes ever since. I am now riding what my kids call and old man's bike....and 2001 Harley Electra Glide. It is set up with a quick release to remove the tour pak (big trunk on the back). I tore it down and put new cams, lifter and exhaust in this summer. It certianly doesn't feel like and old man's bike. Anyhow....I love bikes of all kinds. I have ridden dirt bikes and raced Hare Scrambles, have had sport bikes and I'm currently in the market for a couple of 4 wheelers to use up at camp with my son....but here is my baby.

riff raff":xw25kpac said:
Just sold an '02 Triumph America I put 40k on (to fund our '79 MGB). I have a '66 Bonneville hard-tail chopper and another '65 Bonnie project. I miss my new bike and I'm considering selling one or both of the choppers for a BMW or KTM adventure bike.

You should add the Explorer 1200 to your list, since you're a Triumph guy. I have the Tiger 800....f'ing awesome!
Owned an '84 Honda Sabre when I was in the Army and stationed in Hawaii which I rode for a couple of years. Took a hiatus for a few years, been back to it for about 5 years - currently riding a 2011 HD Street Glide!

Good to know we pipers are also riders!

Stay safe folks!
deepbass9":yy99wrv6 said:
riff raff":yy99wrv6 said:
Just sold an '02 Triumph America I put 40k on (to fund our '79 MGB). I have a '66 Bonneville hard-tail chopper and another '65 Bonnie project. I miss my new bike and I'm considering selling one or both of the choppers for a BMW or KTM adventure bike.

You should add the Explorer 1200 to your list, since you're a Triumph guy. I have the Tiger 800....f'ing awesome!
My next new-ish bike will be an adventure bike, that Explorer is great, but the Tiger 800 would most likely be fine for my needs. They'll be coming up used in a year or so, who knows...
Had 15 of them so far. Just sold one last week, and am now down to a 1974 Honda Mini Trail 70 :bounce:

I ride a bike almost as old as I am...'81 Suzuki GS1000. No pics because it's a project - some joker glued Harley pipes to it before I got hold of it and it looks ridiculous. It's a work in progress.

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