A little update. While both reps were nice and seemingly helpful, neither got back to me. So, the first rep said they'd email me back with an explanation and/or an adjustment. They didn't. I waited a couple days, and then I called again. Another nice, helpful rep. This was the third person to not understand the totals. This one did give me reasonable, but no less explanatory, excuses for the total. Blah blah blah about excise taxes that they couldn't fully explain how they were applied. "We should have this on the website so it is more transparent..." The kind of speak you really can't argue with, because they aren't giving you any hard details. "Trust us. We're highly regulated. We couldn't be making mistakes, or we'd lose our business license." Yeah, OK. Now we've firmly entered into the realm of bvllsh1t. But they too said they would email me with the numbers explaining the total. They didn't. So, nothing was remedied. I'm not as frustrated as I should be, but that's because I'm working on that part of myself in life. Too much information, I know. I have every reason to be very irritated with the whole thing. But the next time I think I'm saving $5, when Smokingpipes is also running a sale of a smaller discount, I'll try to remind myself that after P&C runs their convoluted system over the sale, I won't actually be saving anything...other than my patience.